Welcome Deepers!!

Crystal Tellis
Deep Data
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3 min readSep 11, 2022
Photo by Mayank Baranwal on Unsplash

Thank you for considering coming along into this journey with me. When I first started Medium it was a way for me to write about concepts and ideas in Finance, Economics and Business that both inspired me and made me think deeper than the surface.

I love learning about corruption, white collar crimes, and understanding that nothing in life is just the surface. The surface is the circus act, meant to engage your attention enough so you don’t get free time to question.

Underneath it is the back office, the truth conspiring, hoping to distract us long enough that we don’t see the behind-the-scenes reality till the project backfires. We are left with burns and bruises all over ourselves. And the evil scientist is left embarrassed and full of sorrow for a few minutes, before his next Brillant idea storms again.

These human beings, organizations and corporations inspires me the most. And has shaped these stories:

Student Loans: 2008 Recession Part II | by Crystal Tellis | Deep Data | Medium

The SEC And Institutional Attack On ESG Investments | by Crystal Tellis | Deep Data | Medium

10 Facts About The Game Stop ($GME) Situation With Robinhood. | by Crystal Tellis | Deep Data | Medium

The U.S DOJ Seeks To Regulate Bitcoin | Deep Data (medium.com)

These are just a few of the stories I’ve been able to cover with the support from my followers, readers, and engagers. As I continue to write articles, I look forward to the support from everyone.

Following my newsletter, you will have access to a sneak peak of the next month’s articles I will be writing, you will also have the ability to complete a survey on what type of article’s you would want to see.

This month’s articles:

  1. Co-Sharing the American Dream: The future of living in the U.S: A thorough discovery breakdown of the disastrous housing market all across the U.S. How we got here, and can the American Dream ever be saved, or will it stay a fantasy?
  2. The China Depression: Is the US Next?: China economy has entered into a great depression after the falling of Evergreen and their real estate market disaster. Followed by the economic aftermath of COVID restrictions, the global warming threat to waterpower's, and the kingdom of the supply chain crisis. Will the U.S be immune to the damages or a relative cousin about to collapse to the floor?
  3. The Price of Poverty: A Constant Prisoner: Breaking the law is equivalent to losing your job, into the system you go. Each bed is a REIT dream. Money from the government, cut the cost to run, and increase the profits. The broken system that has birthed skid row and MTA trains from becoming shelters. Will remove the myths of how it’s like being poor in America.
  4. The Scarcity of Public Education: Teachers Strike and Students Ghost: Teachers aren’t being paid well, protected, and given the resources to teach the next generation. Parents fear their children may die in classrooms before arriving home every day. And students feel their voice is left in the hallways every day, ghosted. How do we fix a system so broken?

I hope you join me as I talk about the broken disaster of economic affordability throughout supply chain, housing, employment, and education.



Crystal Tellis
Deep Data

Owner of Deep Data Medium Publication | Creator of Deep Data Podcast |