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31 Important Things to Do to Make the Best Use of Your Time During a Pandemic

A guide on how to turn unremarkable times into thriving times

Danny Forest
SkillUp Ed
Published in
20 min readMar 18, 2020


As I’m writing this, I’m home quarantined for 14 days. I came back earlier from a writing retreat I did in Cuba. While a lot of the plane’s passengers weren’t happy about the situation, I viewed it differently.

This is my time to do things I’ve always wanted to do but kept pushing back. This includes improving my relationships, doing other types of work, catch up on my video games, and more. During a pandemic, I call these “productive activities”.

What are your productive activities during these testing times?

This article covers 31 of the most important ways you can make the best use of your time during a pandemic. I’m starting with the things you must avoid doing, both for your sanity and for the respect and safety of others. If you only have a few minutes to spare reading, start there.

And because this is a comprehensive guide, I’ve included a table of contents so you can jump to the sections that interest you the most.

Remember to stay calm!

Table of contents



Danny Forest
SkillUp Ed

Polymath. Life Optimizer. Learner. Entrepreneur. Engineer. Writer.