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How to Be Self-Aware — The Complete Guide

Everything you need to learn one of the most important skills of this century

Danny Forest
SkillUp Ed
Published in
24 min readApr 7, 2020


Yesterday, I asked my network of expert coaches on LinkedIn what they thought was the top skill to learn going forward. Almost unanimously, they said Self-Awareness. I can’t agree more about its importance. I’ve been working really hard on my self-awareness for the past 30 months and have seen incredible results in many pillars of my life, most notably in my health, wealth, and impact in the world.

In this article, I want to touch on two very important points: why is self-awareness so important and how can you get better at it. I’ll share some of my experiences, as well as other methods that are proven to work.

Today, more than ever, we need to find a real purpose in life. With the accelerated pace of change, we’re getting thrown curve balls every second. We have to take action faster with no time to think about the consequences of our actions.

Only a truly self-aware person can make quick and informed decisions that yield a positive impact in their life and that of others.

Before we get started, here’s the definition I will use to describe self-awareness:

conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives…



Danny Forest
SkillUp Ed

Polymath. Life Optimizer. Learner. Entrepreneur. Engineer. Writer.