a book matters

a book matters.

when I’d worked with evernote and helped their japan entry as an investor and/or business development manager at docomo, I found some interesting phenomena of how japanese people are encouraged to use the service or getting to know new service well.

evernote was pretty much liked by many techy people or super early adopters in japan who tend to write about new gadgets or services outside of japan.

evernote used to have many user meetups in the past most likely when phil libin visited to japan. he loves user feedbacks, faces those sincerely , and always reflects those valuable insights to new product. and thus this is how evernote app has been built, iot users builds their favorite mobile app while phil keeps saying he builds app as he wants to use most.

the great thing of this is to make users feel more involved, or iot, make them more love in the app. as you see, this is how viral works and many of those fans wrote more about evernote spontaneously. then some of people decided to publish their blog posts as a book.

originally japanese people like “printed word” and japan is one of top countries where consume and publish books. especially a “how to book” is pretty much popular in age of between late teen and 50’s.

in 2010, there’re some of evernote books started to be published and over 40 books are available at online/offline book stores thus far.

a book is seemed old fashioned way in the marketing, but still is a compelling approach to hook up users up until now while social virality is flourished in japan.

my point here is, there’s a thing that you should not be obsessed or drunk the power of “new things”. there must be a something that you have to think about the way seemed old fashioned or out of dated, although it depends on the market. therefore, you have to find a someone who knows well about the market.

Originally published at dminamid.tumblr.com.



Daisuke Minamide(南出 大介)
deep dive into the basis

a Venture Capitalist based in the Bay Area. ex Marketer, BD, and Engineer. Love gadgets and technologies.