Bliss Base Chronicles: Echoes from the Heart — A Tapestry of Triumphs and Trials


In this intimately personal chapter, I pull back the curtain on our home — a haven where love thrives amidst challenges, where strength is cultivated in the face of societal biases, and where understanding is nurtured daily. Three young souls, each with their unique essence, colour my world. Let me guide you through our vivid journey.

Bonds Beyond Blood

The love I share with my adopted teenage son transcends biology. Yet, the shadows of societal perceptions and racial biases sometimes creep into our radiant bubble. “How different your lives must be,” some say, as they try to box our bond into the narrow confines of their understanding. Still, every day we forge our connection, teaching and learning about the broader tapestry of human experience. Our family’s mosaic shines all the brighter for its diversity.

Genetic Journeys

Nature vs. nurture is a debate for the ages. While our home is saturated with shared values and experiences, there’s no denying the genetic differences. My son’s stature, notably shorter and rounder than his peers, often becomes a focal point of his insecurities, magnified by a society that obsesses over physical norms.

The Color Spectrum

His skin color paints a story that is both rich in heritage and fraught with societal biases. It’s not just a different shade but a canvas for the world’s assumptions and prejudices. From unsolicited remarks to blatant racial biases, we’ve encountered it all. Yet, we strive daily to ensure his skin is a badge of pride, a testament to his unique journey.

The Academic Ascent

Learning doesn’t come as naturally to him as it does for some. The uphill climb in academia is steeper, making every milestone he achieves doubly precious. Each test, assignment, and project is not just an academic challenge, but also a battle against self-doubt. Together, we celebrate small victories, knowing they pave the way for greater confidence.

Navigating Racism

The piercing sting of racism is a brutal reality we often confront. Hurtful slurs, ignorant comments, and stereotypical assumptions attempt to define his worth. But with every hurdle, our resolve strengthens. We arm him with knowledge, empowerment, and the understanding that his worth isn’t determined by the ignorance of others.

Unwavering Support

With every challenge, our bond deepens. We’ve built a sanctuary of understanding and acceptance where he’s encouraged to voice his fears, frustrations, and dreams. Our shared journey, though laden with trials, underscores the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of familial love.

My heart overflows with admiration for my son. His journey, marked by its unique set of challenges, shines with resilience, courage, and an unyielding quest for acceptance and belonging.

The Asperger’s Allegory

Another distinct journey within the walls of Bliss Base — a dance of quirks, precision, and heartfelt understanding with my 13-year-old. Navigating the world through the lens of Asperger’s, he enlightens us daily with his unique perspective, even as we grapple with the associated challenges.

Solitude & Stories

While many might crave company, he often craves solace. Books become his trusted companions, where he dives into alternate realities, seeking refuge. This “me-time” isn’t just a pastime; it’s a necessary recharge, akin to how some of us need a coffee break. We’ve created a cozy reading nook, his sanctuary, where stories help recalibrate his senses.

The Culinary Specificity

Our kitchen often feels like a precise science lab. His menu? Quite limited, with dishes prepared exactly the same way, every single time. The consistency and predictability in his meals provide him a sense of comfort. Eating out poses its own set of challenges, prompting us to pack familiar meals. It’s not just about food; it’s about a slice of home, familiarity, and solace amidst unfamiliar surroundings.

Social Stamina

Ah, the delicate dance of social interactions! He cherishes outings with friends, but they come with an invisible timer. Roughly every two hours, like clockwork, he needs to disengage, recharge, and then dive back into the whirlpool of chatter and activity. We’ve become adept at reading his cues, ensuring he gets those crucial wind-down moments.

Rulebook Reverence

In his world, rules aren’t just guidelines; they are gospel. A shifted toy or an altered routine can send ripples through his day. While this strict adherence often ensures impeccable order, it can also pose challenges, especially when the world outside doesn’t play by his rulebook. Through gentle conversations and real-world examples, we try to teach flexibility without undermining his core need for structure.

Seeking Support, Offering Space

Understanding his unique needs, we’ve built a support framework. Yet, the key is balance. While we offer a safety net, we also ensure he has ample space to soar, make mistakes, and learn. It’s a tightrope walk, balancing care with independence, and every day brings new lessons.

I feel a profound sense of awe for my son’s resilience and the colors he adds to our world. His Asperger’s isn’t a limitation but a lens, sharpening some aspects of life while softening others. At Bliss Base, we celebrate his individuality and learn to dance to the unique rhythm of his world.

Navigating Teenhood

Amidst these layers lies my other teenage boy, who, while often jokingly referred to as ‘just’ being a teenager, sails through his own labyrinth of growth and self-discovery. Peer pressures, societal expectations, the burgeoning weight of impending adulthood; he grapples with them all. His journey is no less intricate, and I stand by, a beacon of support, cheering him through every high and holding him through every low.

The Performance Pressure Cooker

School, once a playground of knowledge, has transformed into a high-stakes arena. Every test, every presentation feels like a crucible. He strives not just for success, but perfection. A misplaced comma or a point off an exam can cascade into a torrent of self-criticism. The weight of expectations, both internal and external, bears heavily on his young shoulders.

The Pursuit of Perfection

Perfectionism isn’t just about doing things right; for him, it’s the very essence of his identity. Each task, each project must meet the rigorous standards he sets for himself. It’s not just about accolades but a deep-rooted belief that he needs to be flawless to be valued. It’s both a strength, driving him to excel, and a challenge, as he grapples with the realization that perfection is often an elusive goal.

Doubt’s Whispers

At the crossroads of childhood and adulthood, he often finds himself lost in the woods of self-doubt. “Am I enough?”, “Do I fit in?”, “Will I ever succeed?” — these questions, though universal in adolescence, feel magnified through his introspective lens.

Charting the Way Forward

Recognizing his struggles, we’ve sought paths to illuminate the maze. From open conversations about self-worth to professional counseling, we aim to provide him tools to combat these shadows. Emphasizing effort over outcomes, praising the journey over the destination, and creating a safe space for vulnerability have become cornerstones of our approach.

While each child brings their own challenges, they often intersect in the bustling crossroads of adolescence. Merging the intricate paths of adoption, Asperger’s, and typical teenage trials requires patience, understanding, and a hefty dose of humour. In our family, laughter is our compass, and love, our ever-steady North Star.

The societal echoes, sometimes laden with misconceptions or biases, only strengthen our resolve to craft our own narrative. A tale where acceptance isn’t just a word, but an ingrained value. Where differences aren’t just tolerated, but celebrated. Where challenges aren’t obstacles, but steppingstones to resilience.

I am reminded that the teenage years, though tumultuous, are also a time of unparalleled growth and self-discovery. While the path is strewn with challenges, it also holds the promise of brighter tomorrows. At Bliss Base, we’re committed to walking this journey hand-in-hand, celebrating every small victory, and reminding our young trailblazer that he’s not alone.

As I wrap this chapter, my heart brims with a mix of gratitude and fervent hope. Gratitude for the vibrant hues each of my children brings to our family’s canvas, and hope for a world where every hue is valued for its unique beauty.



Deep dive revelations from Bliss Base

No big stories, no big desires, just ordinary people wanting to make the parenting experience fun and enjoyable, bring the Happy Family momentum back to life!