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Deep dive with TheFavourPhronesis
Find bite-sized ideas that you can easily apply to grow your startup and accelerate your career.
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Find bite-sized ideas that you can easily apply to grow your startup and accelerate your career.

Go to the profile of TheFavourPhronesis
We help startups and digital creatives figure out why they exist, what audience they serve, and help them build the best products for their audience.
Go to the profile of Olaitan Akinfenwa
Olaitan Akinfenwa
Introspective writer. Communications professional. Aspiring optimist. A magnet for profoundly interesting (and mischievous) people.
Go to the profile of Olaitan Akinfenwa
Olaitan Akinfenwa
Introspective writer. Communications professional. Aspiring optimist. A magnet for profoundly interesting (and mischievous) people.