Want To 10X Your Income with Digital Skills? Here’s How!

Olaitan Akinfenwa
Deep dive with TheFavourPhronesis
4 min readOct 18, 2022

They say being a “tech bro” equates to enjoying today’s oil money. But is that true for everyone? More importantly, is that true for you?

If you have digital skills such as UI/UX design, content and copywriting, data analysis, SEO, website development, software programming, and others, people automatically assume that you’re raking in cool dollars with several zeroes every month.

They have a point. Digital skills can earn you a living beyond your wildest imagination. But unfortunately, many young individuals with digital skills say they still struggle with low incomes and insubstantial job offers.

If you can relate to this, you’ll be glad to know that you can easily multiply your income, even with the same digital skills you have acquired. Wondering how? Read on to find out!

1. Proffer solutions like a professional

Creatives who can boldly request higher pay have a different approach from those who have to make do with mere peanuts. What do I mean?

They don’t just offer a skill, they offer solutions!

For instance, if you are a graphic designer, your job description might say that you are to create visual designs, but you need to go beyond that. Your clients don’t need your designs for design sake. They need your designs to solve a problem, and it’s your responsibility as a skilled professional to find out what the problem is and use your designs to solve it. If you are designing social media graphics, your clients want engagement, and lead generation, so you must ensure that your designs do just that — capture and hold the attention of the target audience. This is essentially WHY the client needs a graphic designer, and your ability to see the big picture is what will make you the big bucks.

Unfortunately, with all their skill and expertise, many digital creatives hardly do anything beyond taking prescribed and defined tasks from their clients/employers. To improve your earnings, you must recognize and analyze loopholes in your client’s/employer’s current operation. Then you must be able to proffer business solutions with the knowledge about your skills.

Read Also: 5 Amazing Channels to Convert Your Skills To Dollars

2. Never compromise on quality

As a digital creative, your work should always speak for you. Prospective clients should view your past works and feel embarrassed to offer you low prices. To do this, your work must be of the highest quality possible, even when your pay is minimal. Always pay attention to detail and avoid producing sub-par results. This is crucial if you make the 10X income you desire.

3. Aim to compete in the global market

Many digital skill professionals start out by offering their services to clients within their immediate circle. In a country like Nigeria, where the economy continues to nosedive, offering your services to only local clients might put you at a disadvantage. The beauty of having a digital skill is that you can work from anywhere and provide solutions to a global market where digital skills are in high demand and highly valued. So, expanding your net and seeking international clients who can pay you in foreign currency of far better economic value than your local currency makes sense. Read the article here to know all you need to start a freelancing career in the international market.

4. Handle More as a Starter

It is a widely known dream of digital creatives to only work for high-paying clients and nothing less. While this might seem the obvious route to earning a better income, it is not the most effective tactic.

The more effective tactic is to take on as many jobs as possible when you start. The truth is, those earning your dream income didn’t start there. They started by grinding on mostly low-paying jobs till they developed themselves till clients started recognizing their worth.

As a starter, you must first build as a generalist before you niche down to become a specialist. Focus on doing more work in terms of volume work rather than being picky about the quality of pay. After developing your skills to deliver quality work consistently, you can start to drop off the smaller clients in favor of the better-paying clients who have come to value your expertise.

5. Specialize and Upskill

The fact is that the world of digital skills is getting more saturated by the day. However, your competitive advantage is to find a niche, and become an expert there. Focus on doing a few things exceptionally well, and you will find that you will always be in demand.

If you are in a niche, such as content writing, consider exploring a more profitable niche, like technical writing or product writing. This way, you can leverage your existing experience and offer more value than newbies and enthusiasts. Also, ensure that you stay updated with the latest trends, updates, and demands in your area of skill. Constant education will keep you at the top of your game, allowing you to proffer solutions to the challenges of the volatile digital world.

In conclusion, the only way to increase your pay is to increase the value you provide your clients while also targeting better clients. Ensure that you are targeting leads with the problems your skills can solve and can also afford to pay you handsomely for solving those problems.



Olaitan Akinfenwa
Deep dive with TheFavourPhronesis

Introspective writer. Communications professional. Aspiring optimist. A magnet for profoundly interesting (and mischievous) people.