Deep Hunt — Issue #56

After a 6 month unplanned hiatus, Deep Hunt is back, thanks for sticking around! Top stories of this week are — Google opens up TPUs for everybody; Missing data hinder replication of AI studies; AAAS AMA with Peter Norvig, Yann LeCun and Eric Horvitz; Deep contextualised word representations

Avinash Hindupur
Deep Hunt
3 min readFeb 19, 2018



Google Makes Its Special A.I. Chips Available to Others

The internet giant developed the tensor processing units, or T.P.U.s, for its data centers. Now other companies can use them through its cloud-computing service.

Give your dissertation a boost with a grant from Microsoft Research

Microsoft Research is offering grants of up to US $25,000 to help a select group of doctoral students cross the finish line and enter the workforce. So, apply before March 30th if you are eligible!


Deep contextualized word representations

This research by AllenAI introduces a new type of deep contextualized word representation that models both — complex characteristics of word use and how these uses vary across linguistic contexts. The ELMo representations from pre-trained language models set new SOTA for 6 diverse NLP tasks: SQuAD, SNLI, SRL, Coref, NER and Sentiment.

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Avinash Hindupur
Deep Hunt

Dreamer, @iitguwahati alum. Creator of @deephunt_in, Organiser @ DeepLearningDelhi | Interested in all things data and machine learning.