NIPS 2017

A list of slides of all talks from NIPS 2017

Avinash Hindupur
Deep Hunt
5 min readDec 9, 2017


This year’s Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 2017 conference held at Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach California has been the biggest ever! Here’s a list of resources and slides of all invited talks, tutorials and workshops.

NIPS 2017

This list is still incomplete and will be regularly updated. Contributions are welcome. You can add links via pull requests or create an issue in the Github Repo to lemme know something I missed or to start a discussion. If you know the speakers, please ask them to upload slides online!

Invited Talks

  • Powering the next 100 years, John Platt
  • Why AI Will Make it Possible to Reprogram the Human Genome, Brendan J Frey
  • The Trouble with Bias, Kate Crawford
  • The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Structure, John Platt
  • Deep Learning for Robotics, Pieter Abbeel
  • Learning State Representations, Yael Niv
  • On Bayesian Deep Learning and Deep Bayesian Learning, Yee Whye Teh



ML Systems Workshop @ NIPS 2017

Aparna Lakshmiratan · Sarah Bird · Siddhartha Sen · Christopher Ré · Li Erran Li · Joseph Gonzalez · Daniel Crankshaw

Bayesian Deep Learning

Yarin Gal · José Miguel Hernández-Lobato · Christos Louizos · Andrew G Wilson · Diederik P. (Durk) Kingma · Zoubin Ghahramani · Kevin P Murphy · Max Welling

  • Why Aren’t You Using Probabilistic Programming?, Dustin Tran
  • Automatic Model Selection in BNNs with Horseshoe Priors, Finale Doshi
  • Deep Bayes for Distributed Learning, Uncertainty Quantification and Compression, Max Welling
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent as Approximate Bayesian Inference, Matt Hoffman
  • Recent Advances in Autoregressive Generative Models, Nal Kalchbrenner
  • Deep Kernel Learning, Russ Salakhutdinov
  • Bayes by Backprop, Meire Fortunato
  • How do the Deep Learning layers converge to the Information Bottleneck limit by Stochastic Gradient Descent?, Naftali (Tali) Tishby

Learning with Limited Labeled Data: Weak Supervision and Beyond

Isabelle Augenstein · Stephen Bach · Eugene Belilovsky · Matthew Blaschko · Christoph Lampert · Edouard Oyallon · Emmanouil Antonios Platanios · Alexander Ratner · Christopher Ré

Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference

Francisco Ruiz · Stephan Mandt · Cheng Zhang · James McInerney · Dustin Tran · Tamara Broderick · Michalis Titsias · David Blei · Max Welling


Interpretable Machine Learning

Andrew G Wilson · Jason Yosinski · Patrice Simard · Rich Caruana · William Herlands

  • The role of causality for interpretability, Bernhard Scholkopf , Slides · Video
  • Interpretable Discovery in Large Image Data Sets, Kiri Wagstaff, Slides · Video
  • The (hidden) Cost of Calibration, Bernhard Scholkopf, Slides · Video
  • Panel Discussion, Hanna Wallach, Kiri Wagstaff, Suchi Saria, Bolei Zhou, and Zack Lipton. Moderated by Rich Caruana, Video
  • Interpretability for AI safety, Victoria Krakovna, Slides · Video
  • Manipulating and Measuring Model Interpretability, Jenn Wortman Vaughan, Slides · Video
  • Debugging the Machine Learning Pipeline, Jerry Zhu, Slides · Video
  • Panel Debate and Followup Discussion, Yann LeCun, Kilian Weinberger, Patrice Simard, and Rich Caruana, Video

Deep Reinforcement Learning

Pieter Abbeel · Yan Duan · David Silver · Satinder Singh · Junhyuk Oh · Rein Houthooft

  • Mastering Games with Deep Reinforcement Learning, David Silver, Video
  • Reproducibility in Deep Reinforcement Learning and Beyond, Joelle Pineau, Slides · Video
  • Neural Map: Structured Memory for Deep RL, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Slides
  • Deep Exploration Via Randomized Value Functions, Ben Van Roy, Slides · Video
  • Artificial Intelligence Goes All-In, Michael Bowling


  • Bayesian machine learning: Quantifying uncertainty and robustness at scale, Tamara​ ​Broderick​
  • Towards Communication-Centric Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Guarding a Territory, Aishwarya​ ​Unnikrishnan
  • Graph convolutional networks can encode three-dimensional genome architecture in deep learning models for genomics, Peyton​ ​Greenside​
  • Machine Learning for Social Science, Hannah​ ​Wallach​
  • Fairness Aware Recommendations, Palak​ ​Agarwal​
  • Reinforcement Learning with a Corrupted Reward Channel, Victoria​ ​Krakivna​
  • Improving health-care: challenges and opportunities for reinforcement learning, Joelle​ ​Pineau​
  • Harnessing Adversarial Attacks on Deep Reinforement Learning for Improving Robustness, Zhenyi​ ​Tang​
  • Time-Critical Machine Learning, Nina​ ​Mishra​
  • A General Framework for Evaluating Callout Mechanisms in Repeated Auctions, Hoda​ ​Heidari​
  • Engaging Experts: A Dirichlet Process Approach to Divergent Elicited Priors in Social Science, Sarah​ ​Bouchat​
  • Representation Learning in Large Attributed Graphs, Nesreen​ ​K​ ​Ahmed​

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Avinash Hindupur
Deep Hunt

Dreamer, @iitguwahati alum. Creator of @deephunt_in, Organiser @ DeepLearningDelhi | Interested in all things data and machine learning.