Maximize Sales with AI-powered Image Enhancement for E-commerce Products

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3 min readApr 1, 2023

E-commerce has become an increasingly popular way for consumers to shop, and it’s no secret that high-quality product images can make all the difference when it comes to making a sale.

In fact, studies show that customers are more likely to purchase a product when it has multiple high-quality images, as opposed to just one or two low-quality images. That’s where AI-powered image enhancement comes in.

Benefits of using AI photo enhancement

AI-powered image enhancement can help e-commerce businesses create high-quality product images that are optimized for online shopping.

By using machine learning algorithms, AI can analyze and adjust the lighting, color, and composition of product images to make them more visually appealing and increase their sales potential.

Photo by Zyro / Unsplash

One of the benefits of using AI-powered image enhancement is that it can save businesses time and money. Instead of hiring professional photographers or spending hours editing photos in-house, businesses can use AI to quickly and easily enhance their product images.

This can help businesses improve their online shopping experience for customers, ultimately leading to increased sales and revenue.

Another benefit of using AI-powered image enhancement is that it can help businesses stay competitive in the crowded e-commerce market.

With so many businesses vying for customers’ attention, having high-quality product images can be a key differentiator. By using AI to enhance their product images, businesses can stand out from the competition and attract more customers.

Some key statistic

It’s no secret that product images are crucial for e-commerce businesses.

In fact, studies show that customers are more likely to purchase a product when it has multiple high-quality images. But just how much of an impact can better-quality product images have on sales? Let’s take a look at some statistics.

According to a study by Shotfarm, 94% of consumers say that image quality is the most important factor when making a purchase online.

In addition, 75% of consumers say that they rely on product images to make purchasing decisions. This means that having high-quality product images can make a huge difference when it comes to converting visitors into customers.

Photo by Myriam Jessier / Unsplash

eBay — Case study

Another study by eBay found that better-quality product images can increase sales by up to 5%. The study also found that adding more images to a product listing can increase sales by up to 3%.

This means that e-commerce businesses that invest in high-quality product images and display multiple images on their product pages can see a significant increase in sales.

But what makes a product image high-quality? According to the same eBay study, the key factors include a white background, a zoom feature, and a high resolution.

By focusing on these factors and using professional photography or AI-powered image enhancement, e-commerce businesses can improve the quality of their product images and increase their sales potential.

Photo by Oberon Copeland / Unsplash


In conclusion, AI-powered image enhancement can be a game-changer for e-commerce businesses looking to maximize their sales potential.

By improving the quality of their product images, businesses can create a more compelling online shopping experience for customers, increase their visibility in the market, and ultimately drive more sales and revenue.

