🍕Products-10K🍕 — SOTA Dataset for Products Image Recognition

Mikhail Raevskiy
Deep Learning Digest
2 min readSep 2, 2020


Products-10K is a large-scale dataset for product recognition. The dataset consists of images of consumer goods. The data was collected to improve the quality of models for recognizing goods on warehouse shelves.

🍕Products-10K🍕 — SOTA Dataset for Products Image Recognition
Products-10K— SOTA Dataset for Products Image Recognition. Source: Arxiv

Why is it important?

Product recognition is an urgent problem for Computer Vision due to the wide variety of products and their visual similarity, that currently lacking in high-quality and diverse datasets for training. The existing datasets with product images are either too small or contain quite a noisy markup.

However, recently there was published an article at Arxiv, called “Products-10K: A Large-scale Product Recognition Dataset” that turns to be a new state-of-the-art dataset for solving an object recognition issue for product images. Products-10K consists of 10,000 product categories that are frequently purchased by user at chinese shop JD.com

Dataset desctiption

Images in Product-10K were collected from online store photos and user images. Users attached images to comments on a purchased product.



Mikhail Raevskiy
Deep Learning Digest

Bioinformatician at Oncobox Inc. (@oncobox). Research Associate