Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Neural Network

Gary(Chang, Chih-Chun)
Deep Learning#g
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2018
MNIST Dataset

“The MNIST database of handwritten digits, available from the website, has a training set of 60,000 examples, and a test set of 10,000 examples.” Each example is an 28x28 image of a handwritten digit.

這個範例綜合了先前所介紹的Neural Network, Stochastic Gradient Descent 和Backpropagation。

首先,先建立一個三層的neural network,架構是第一層input layer(共有784個neurons),第二層hidden layer(共有20個neurons),最後一層output layer(共有10個neurons),並將weights和bias賦予起始值,如下圖。

# build the network
# w1/b1 w2/b2
#784(inputs) ---> 20 ---> 10(output)
# x z1 a1 z2 y
self.weight1 = np.random.normal(0, 1, [self.num_nodes_in_layers[0],
self.bias1 = np.zeros((1, self.num_nodes_in_layers[1]))
self.weight2 = np.random.normal(0, 1, [self.num_nodes_in_layers[1],
self.bias2 = np.zeros((1, self.num_nodes_in_layers[2]))

接下來,先將input輸入到neural network中,算出z1, a1, z2, y。

z1 = np.dot(inputs_batch, self.weight1) + self.bias1
a1 = function.relu(z1)
z2 = np.dot(a1, self.weight2) + self.bias2
y = function.softmax(z2)

在使用gradient descent前,必須要先用backpropagation來算出weight和bias的gradient。

# backward pass
delta_y = (y - labels_batch) / y.shape[0]
delta_hidden_layer = np.dot(delta_y, self.weight2.T)
delta_hidden_layer[a1 <= 0] = 0 # derivatives of relu
# backpropagation
weight2_gradient = np.dot(a1.T, delta_y) # forward * backward
bias2_gradient = np.sum(delta_y, axis = 0, keepdims = True)

weight1_gradient = np.dot(inputs_batch.T, delta_hidden_layer)
bias1_gradient = np.sum(delta_hidden_layer, axis = 0, keepdims =

有了weights和biases的gradients之後就可以透過stochastic gradient descent來不斷更新weights和biases,直到network的loss是可以接受的。

# stochastic gradient descent
self.weight1 -= self.learning_rate * weight1_gradient
self.bias1 -= self.learning_rate * bias1_gradient
self.weight2 -= self.learning_rate * weight2_gradient
self.bias2 -= self.learning_rate * bias2_gradient


...=== Epoch: 5/5 Iteration:59992 Loss: 0.55 ====== Epoch: 5/5 Iteration:59993 Loss: 0.73 ====== Epoch: 5/5 Iteration:59994 Loss: 0.54 ====== Epoch: 5/5 Iteration:59995 Loss: 0.60 ====== Epoch: 5/5 Iteration:59996 Loss: 0.43 ====== Epoch: 5/5 Iteration:59997 Loss: 0.41 ====== Epoch: 5/5 Iteration:59998 Loss: 0.49 ====== Epoch: 5/5 Iteration:59999 Loss: 0.73 ====== Epoch: 5/5 Iteration:60000 Loss: 0.88 ===Testing...Test accuracy: 91.540%





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