Consulting Oneself: The Logician and the Romantic
Moments occur when we’re faced with dilemmas our emotional natures make us ill-equipped to tackle. How easy it is to give advice to a friend when said emotion isn’t bearing down upon you like a heavy sack of potatoes in your heart. How do we consult ourselves if we’re so easily blinded by our own minds?
We split ourselves up.
Imagine you have a problem that is causing great heartache and you don’t know how to proceed. Generate in your mind one figure we’ll call the Logician. The Logician is your purely rational side, personified as a mental figure that is you but also isn’t you. Now we’ll create another figure known as the Romantic. Similarly, the Romantic is the figure of all your boundless beliefs and fantasies. You’ve stepped into your mind to consult these two archetypes. Allow the Logician to give you advice using your capabilities of emotionless logic as if you would give a friend with your problem. Then head to the Romantic to hear its advice from the perspective of the dreamer.
What is the result?
Hopefully it’s one-part pragmatism and one-part hope, probably the best way to live any life.