How to use a negative situation for personal growth

Keane Li
Deep Sexy Thoughts
Published in
1 min readMar 5, 2014
Rothko zen above the clouds

Negative situations are inevitable, whether they be arguments with friends or falling upon unsavory circumstances. But the real tragedy occurs when we don’t utilize these moments for personal growth. It’s simple, really, and it only takes some awareness and self-reflection. The next time you’re in a negative situation and find yourself becoming enraged or depressed, ask yourself these three simple questions:

1.) What can I learn from how I reacted to this situation?

2.) What can I do to minimize the chances of finding myself in this situation again?

3.) If you had an argument: While I still may not agree with the other person, is there any truth that I can take away from their opinion that might teach me something about myself?

Then you can proceed being furious again if you really want to.

