Write for Deep Soul Rising

Wizard Withwords
Deep Soul Rising
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2024
Image by Author

Deep Soul Rising is home to writers and readers who are interested in the mystical journey of the soul. If you understand that you are more than your human body, and are curious about the mysteries of all things metaphysical, then this is your home.

Our vision is to offer inspiration, education and guidance by exploring topics related to the spiritual experience.

We aim to provide practical and grounded writings that help others connect to their higher selves and unravel the curiosities of what lies behind the veil.

We are looking for articles that educate, encourage, and inspire, stories that expand minds and restore souls.

This is not a religious publication, but rather an exploration of the affairs of the soul.


If you wish to be added to this publication as a writer:

  1. First, follow the publication.
  2. Then comment “Count me in” and we will add you as a writer as soon as possible.

Once you have been added as a writer, you can submit your draft work for inclusion. Please consider the following:

  • Submit unpublished drafts that are at least three minutes long.
  • Make sure the article you submit is free of grammatical errors. It’s a good idea to run your work through the Grammarly extension before submitting it.
  • Ensure your article has a cover image that appears after the title and subtitle. Use a photo that reflects the message and one you have the right to use. If you’re using your own photo, simply add “Image by Author” as the caption.
  • Make sure all titles are title-cased. You can do this on your own or use Capitalize My Title. For the subtitle, use sentence case without any punctuation marks at the end. The title should be clear and tell the reader exactly what to expect from the article.

Sometimes, we might need to edit your article to correct spelling or formatting. We want to help you present your story in the most engaging and impactful way possible, so sometime we will work on strengthening titles and subtitles and changing images that do not properly reflect the message of the article. By submitting your article, you’re agreeing to this editing process.

We look forward to receiving your submission!



Wizard Withwords
Deep Soul Rising

I'm just a stoic mystic wandering the world, pondering the mysteries of life and what to feed my pet phoenix.