It’s time to start writing

Joe Nuxoll
Deep Thoughts by Joe Nuxoll
2 min readJul 23, 2014

I have had a lot of great discussions with folks about all sorts of topics — ranging from the meaning of life, the existence of God, the proper racing line, how to shoot the best soccer or racing photos, great recipes, and so on. Like every other person, many of these conversations have happened in real life with real people. Several of them, however, have happened online. This is new in our time, and it has quite a few advantages and disadvantages. The biggest advantages to writing it down and putting it online are reach and feedback. If I put my deep thoughts (or crazy notions) online in a formal manner, folks will see them and respond on their own time. Some of the responses will be positive, and some negative — but the ideas will get out and be discussed.

Until now, I’ve generally just chimed-in on topics important to me, often on Facebook or similar comment-based forums. I’ve never really spent the time to sit down and write about how I think and feel about specific more important topics. I have a ton to say about a lot of things. I’m going to use this as my forum. I intend to plant a bunch of thought seeds and see what happens.

If you like what I have to say, thank you. If you don’t like it, thank you. I look forward to the feedback both positive and negative, and hope the subsequent comment threads enlighten as many people about as many different perspectives as possible. My ultimate goal is to promote actual rational thinking.

The views expressed in this column are of course mine, and not representative of any employer or client I may be associated with. I’m just a dude with thoughts. I don’t proclaim to be superior in any way — I just think a certain way about certain things and I wanted to share with whomever wants to read.

Deep Thoughts by Joe Nuxoll. Let’s do this.

— Joe



Joe Nuxoll
Deep Thoughts by Joe Nuxoll

deep thinker, explorer, software interface designer, race driving instructor, nature, soccer, and automotive photographer