The Rise and Impact of Self Service Ads

Deep thoughts from a Planner
4 min readSep 25, 2017

Social networks, Messaging apps and even Music platforms have recently been taking steps to make it as easy as possible for advertisers to create and launch ads on their platform. A process which previously took four to six weeks, extra fees for the middlemen and little control for brands is now drastically changing for the better thanks to Self-Serve Ad tools built into the platform.

This report takes a quick look at three platforms Spotify, Pinterest and Snapchat to analyse what their self-serve model is and why it matters to brands and advertisers.

Self-Serve Audio Ads on Spotify On the 20th of Sept 2017, Spotify launched Spotify Ad Studio. A self-serve option that makes it easy for brands to reach the right listeners, at the right moment, with tools that make it easy to create and manage audio campaigns. To activate a marketer has to take a couple of simple steps:

Share a script

Pick a background track

Pick audience based on gender, location, activity and music taste.

Select Mobile/ Desktop or both

Set a budget and timeline

That’s 5 steps to launch an audio campaign! To strengthen its case, Spotify points to a Nielsen study that shows audio ads drive a 24% lift in ad recall compared to traditional display ads. This option would give brands access to 90 million users on Spotify that listen to music for free with commercials.

Why it matters: While Spotify Ad Studio is still in beta and only for U.S. advertisers, if successful the platform is sure to expand the offering to more markets and expand from small to larger brand scopes. The fact is, Audio is an unexplored territory and now with music insights brands have the opportunity to build a more wholesome profile of their target audience.

Self-serve influencer marketing comes to Pinterest On September 19, 2017 Pinterest introduced a self-serve tool for brands that use Promoted Pins. Now brands can partner with the platform and launch an influencer campaign (called Pinterest’s creators network) in about 10 to 14 days — this process previously took four to six weeks.

The process mirrors the steps that you would take to launch an influencer campaign while woking with an Influencer agency. The brand submits a creative brief, reviews applicants that reply to the brief, selects creators and launches the campaign on Pinterest. All communication happens directly in the self-serve system, with oversight from Pinterest’s in-house creative team.

Pinterest was able to launch the Pin Collective, thanks to its partnership with with Popular Pays, a great influencer platform that works with brands and content creators to build campaigns.

Why it Matters: Overtime Pinterest has built a community of creators and users, with 81% of Pinterest users being female. The platform is perfect for people seeking ideas and inspiration. Brands that use promoted pins and the new self-serve tools get access to influencers that come from rich backgrounds like Photography and illustration- these creators know their audience best and provide brands with a chance to reach them in the most authentic way.

Snapchat eliminates the middle man Previously Marketers and Media Agencies could only purchase Snap Ads from a Snapchats ads partner who would manage and execute the buy. (*Snap Ads are full screen vertical videos that run between user stories or in the Discover Section)

Snapchat already offers a self-service tool for sponsored geo-filters, this allows brands to select an area and purchase by making an annual commitment. The latest update to Snap Ads is aimed to reduce friction as brands/marketers will no longer have to go through a third party which charges additional fees.

Why it Matters: Snapchat still holds the monopoly when it comes to the younger demographic — 71% of Snapchat users are under 34 years old and 45% of that group are aged between 18–24. Self-serve Snap Ads give brands ultimate flexibility to launch timely campaigns in the form of full screen vertical videos on the platform’s most popular products — User Snapchat Stories and the Discover section.

Self- Service Ads give brands the ability to launch ads quick, eliminate the middle man, reduce fees and learn more about their audience with every campaign. While self-serve is great for instant action and lead generation, brands still have to stop and think about how these actions might impact their Brand perception in the long run.

Could self-serve ads be push that Ad Agencies need to transition from being less of campaign custodians and being more of consultants that guide the strategy and help the brand grow not just for the present quarter but for the long run.



Deep thoughts from a Planner

Designer of ideas & Creative Strategy. Former Media & Distribution Lead @barbariangroup ✌