Communication Strategy Justifications

Redesign for Stakeholders

Charlie Ellington
Deep Work Studio
2 min readApr 24, 2019



The Ethereum website needs to encourage (and make it easy) for builders* to build the next generation of decentralized applications.


Education and resources to create awareness of the advantages of decentralisation to a dApp end users**.


Ethereum is an established blockchain and brand it must use this advantage to talk to institutions*** (investors, governments, organizations and businesses).

Communication Strategy

The UNIQUENESS**** of Ethereum to be communicated:

An up to date and relevant media source, educational resource and builder tool to drive forward a decentralized internet for builders, dApp users and institutions.


*I’ve used the generic term ‘builders’. It would be all too easy to say developers. However, if decentralized applications are going to create a distributed internet and gain mainstream adaptation. We need to encourage cross-dimension skills beyond development. Although developers are important, we need to make sure the site is accessible to non-developers and different skill sets.

** I’m a firm believer that mass-adaptation hasn’t happened because no one’s built a killer application worth jumping over the hurdles and user experience barriers to owning cryptocurrency and a self-custodial wallet. The Ethereum site sits in an amazing position:

By becoming an education resource, Ethereum can educate and create awareness of the advantages of decentralized applications. One less step for Dapp developers who are shouting out for users and liquidity.

As an example take a look at — a company driving forward their message and creating conversations.

*** The above is certainly not an exhaustive list. It’s not prioritised. Further work would establish additional stakeholders and start to create a hierarchy of information and messaging.




Charlie Ellington
Deep Work Studio

Product Design and Business Strategy. Helping build blockchain products for the next generation of users. 😀🎨⛓️🌊🏄