Hummingbot Website — Visual Design

We’ve been working with the awesome team at Hummingbot and earlier this year released an updated website…

Charlie Ellington
Deep Work Studio
2 min readAug 6, 2019


Our Process

Working together for results in days not months

We kicked off with intense collaboration, using a shortened version of the Design Sprint process. Working remotely, we prioritised the website features and created a user story. Together we completed a research stage. The results inspired solutions which we sketched out.

Sketches and wireframes produced as part of rapid Design Sprint and prototyping process. Red dots are heat maps through team voting. Both the Deep Work team and the client do sketching — combining knowledge and skillsets.

Increase speed to market and validating before building

Using the sketches we created wireframes for the most important screens. We received feedback on the simple wireframes before choosing two specific pages to focus our design efforts on.

Beautiful interfaces and iteration

With feedback on only one small section of the site. We iterated on the designs to create a beautiful site and a design language.

Full Service and Site Build

With the most important aspects of the design and language decided, we rapidly designed the rest of the site and built the front-end.


In just a few short weeks, by using our fast collaboration methods and deep work principles, we were able to rapidly build the site with minimal effort from the Hummingbot team.



Charlie Ellington
Deep Work Studio

Product Design and Business Strategy. Helping build blockchain products for the next generation of users. 😀🎨⛓️🌊🏄