Intel’s Shooting Star Drones Made Time Magazine Cover From 958 Drones

Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2018

The drone light show is getting bigger and better all time. The Winter Olympics drone show was awe-inspiring. Lately, TIME collaborated with Intel and its Shooting Star drones to light up the night sky in California with a re-creation of the magazine’s red logo and border. These tiny drones have achieved an iconic milestone in modern culture; they’ve made the cover of Time Magazine.

This week’s issue of TIME is a special report on drones “that explains how they are transforming our world, from lifesaving innovations in healthcare to creating new works of art to the race behind new efforts to secure our skies,” says TIME.

The cover spanned a height of about 330 feet and required 958 drones flying in close formation, and the result was one of the biggest drone shows ever produced in the U.S. “The major challenge of this particular animation is the height at which we have to fly and getting the resolution we want in the Time logo,” said Intel animation lead Tim Heath.


DEEP AERO is a global leader in drone technology innovation. At DEEP AERO, we are building an autonomous drone economy powered by AI & Blockchain.

DEEP AERO’s DRONE-UTM is an AI-driven, autonomous, self-governing, intelligent drone/unmanned aircraft system (UAS) traffic management (UTM) platform on the Blockchain.

DEEP AERO’s DRONE-MP is a decentralized marketplace. It will be one stop shop for all products and services for drones.

These platforms will be the foundation of the drone economy and will be powered by the DEEP AERO (DRONE) token.

