The Growing Use Of Drones In Public Safety Agency

Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2018

The public safety agencies using drones have been increased by approximately 82% in the last year, and the drone usage have been highly seen in police, fire and public safety departments.

Some of the key findings of data extracted by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College include-

- Law enforcement agencies make up 2/3 of the public safety agencies with drones.

- 28 states have at least one statewide public safety agency with drones.

- Agencies have on average three drones per department.

- The majority of agencies that operate drones did not previously possess their own manned aerial capability.

The drones are widely being used and its use is increasing with the passage of time.


DEEP AERO is a global leader in drone technology innovation. At DEEP AERO, we are building an autonomous drone economy powered by AI & Blockchain.

DEEP AERO’s DRONE-UTM is an AI-driven, autonomous, self-governing, intelligent drone/unmanned aircraft system (UAS) traffic management (UTM) platform on the Blockchain.

DEEP AERO’s DRONE-MP is a decentralized marketplace. It will be one stop shop for all products and services for drones.

These platforms will be the foundation of the drone economy and will be powered by the DEEP AERO (DRONE) token.

