DeepCloud AI Announces Bounty Phase II: Early Adopters Program

Dear DeepCloud AI community,

The team is excited to announce Bounty Phase 2: Early Adopters Program. Huron, (our flagship MVP), is going strong, and we want you guys to help us make it even stronger.

This bounty program was designed specifically to create an open seat for anyone who is interested in participating in the DeepCloud AI network. Whether you’ve got some extra GPU processors lying around, or you’ve been working diligently on a novel application, there’s a Bounty Campaign for you.

Lastly, we’re also excited to announce that we’ll be extending DeepCloud AI’s Bounty Phase 1 as well. We’ve been seeing great content generated from the community and would love to keep the momentum going. Both Phase 1 and Phase 2 Bounty Programs will end on June 29th, 2019 11:59:59 PM PST.

DeepCloud Early Adopters Sign Up: Resource Provider

**You can earn up to 50 DEEP ($12.50 USD worth. Conversion of 1 DEEP = 0.25 USD) for this bounty campaign**

How to Participate:

  • Sign up for DeepCloud AI’s phase 2 bounty program as a resource provider
  • Fill out this form to sign up as a resource provider.
  • Earn more rewards for referring members (more info below on the early adopter’s referral program).
  • You must provide specs to the system you are planning to share resources on. You will be approved depending on the performance of your system. You can learn more about system requirements we are looking for under Campaign 1: Resource Provider Bounty.

DEEP Bounty Rewards:

  • Form Submission: 5 DEEP
  • Sign up Approval: 45 DEEP
  • Total Approval Rewards: 50 DEEP

Video walk-through of the process of becoming a resource provider node:

DeepCloud Early Adopters, Sign Up: Application Developer

**You can earn up to 100 DEEP ($25 USD worth. Conversion of 1 DEEP = 0.25 USD) for this bounty campaign**

How to Participate:

  • Sign up for DeepCloud AI’s phase 2 bounty program as an application developer.
  • Fill out this form to sign up as an application developer.
  • Earn more rewards for referring members (more info below on the early adopter’s referral program).
  • You must provide your LinkedIn profile, GitHub profile, along with links to any relevant projects you’ve developed in the past. If you do not have any relevant development experience, your submission will be denied.

DEEP Bounty Rewards:

  • Form Submission: 10 DEEP
  • Sign up Approval: 90 DEEP
  • Total Approval Rewards: 100 DEEP

DeepCloud Early Adopters Referral Program

**You can earn up to 16 DEEP ($4 USD worth. Conversion of 1 DEEP = 0.25 USD) for this bounty campaign**

How to Participate:

  • Refer someone to sign up for the DeepCloud AI Early Adopters Program as either a resource provider or application developer.
  • When filling out either form, please indicate the Telegram username of who you were referred by.

DEEP Bounty Rewards:

  • Referral Reward: 8 DEEP
  • Referral Approval Reward: 8 DEEP
  • Total Referred Approval Rewards: 16 DEEP

DeepCloud Early Adopters, Campaign 1: Resource Provider Bounty

**You can earn up to 1,500 DEEP ($375 USD worth. Conversion of 1 DEEP = 0.25 USD) for this bounty campaign**

How to Participate:

  • Fill out this form to participate in Campaign 1.
  • Install and run your own DeepCloud AI node on your server/computer.
  • Share resources on the platform for at least 30 days with an uptime of 95%+..
  • You must be an approved resource provider to participate in this bounty.

Technical Instructions:

  • Follow instructions from your account login.
  • Download and install the DeepCloud AI Agent for connecting your Linux or Windows machine to the DeepCloud AI Fabric.

System Requirements:

  • Linux or Windows machines with Docker

DEEP Bounty Rewards:

The reward you receive for this bounty will be based on the power & performance of your system as well as the duration you plan to run the node.

DEEP Base Reward

  • 500 DEEP per month

DEEP Computing Power Multiplier

  • 1 Core: 1x Multiplier
  • 2 Cores: 2x Multiplier
  • 4 Cores: 3x Multiplier

DeepCloud Early Adopters, Campaign 2: Resource Provider Video Demo

**You can earn up to 2,500 DEEP ($625 USD worth. Conversion of 1 DEEP = 0.25 USD) for this bounty campaign**

How to Participate:

  • Run your own DeepCloud AI node on your server/computer and create a video showing a demo of the running node.
  • After completing campaign 1 and creating the video, you must submit this form providing a link to the video demo as well as other information.

Technical Instructions:

  • Refer to Campaign 1: DeepCloud AI Resource Provider Bounty for technical instructions.

System Requirements:

  • Refer to Campaign 1: DeepCloud AI Resource Provider Bounty for system requirements.

DEEP Bounty Rewards:

The reward you receive for this bounty will be based on the quality of the demo video you create for us.

  • Exceptional: 2,500 DEEP
  • Great: 1,500 DEEP
  • Good: 800 DEEP
  • Average: 200 DEEP
  • Poor: 20 DEEP

DeepCloud Early Adopters, Campaign 3: Application Developer Bounty

**You can earn up to 10,000 DEEP ($2,500 USD worth. Conversion of 1 DEEP = 0.25 USD) for this bounty campaign**

How to Participate:

  • Fill out this form to participate in Campaign 3.
  • Join our platform as an application developer and run an application on the platform for at least four weeks.
  • You will receive incrementally higher rewards for running additional applications on the platform.
  • If you are an early registered application developer, you will have the potential to receive a higher amount of rewards (more details under the DEEP bounty rewards section)

Technical Instructions:

  • Package your application as Docker containers for running on DeepCloud AI.


  • Applications must be dockerized.

DEEP Bounty Rewards:

The reward you receive for this bounty will be based on the quality of the application you develop on our platform.

  • Exceptional: 10,000 DEEP
  • Great: 6,000 DEEP
  • Good: 2,500 DEEP
  • Average: 1,000 DEEP
  • Poor: 200 DEEP

Most Interesting Application Contest

  • At the end of every four weeks, we will award the top three most interesting applications submitted through this bounty.
  • In order to qualify, you must also provide a short video overview of the app you created, to showcase its functionality
  • Include your GitHub repo URL in the submission.

Most Interesting Application DEEP Rewards:

  • First Place: 40,000 DEEP
  • Second Place: 20,000 DEEP
  • Third Place: 10,000 DEEP

DeepCloud Early Adopters, Campaign 4: Network Website Hosting

**You can earn up to 37,000 DEEP ($9,250 USD worth. Conversion of 1 DEEP = 0.25 USD) for this bounty campaign**

How to Participate:

  • Fill out this form to participate in Campaign 4.
  • Host your website for free on the decentralized Huron network for 3 months

Technical Instructions for Launching Decentralized WordPress Websites:

Video walkthrough of launching a simple static website:


  • A website or webapp that serves a purpose
  • Informative websites
  • Personal blogs
  • Web applications
  • You must put a link or banner at the header or footer of your site with the following link: Proudly Hosted on the Decentralized DeepCloud Network. An example of a webapp running on the DeepCloud Huron Network with the required link: LunarLive.

DEEP Bounty Rewards:

  • Deploy your static site on the DCAI Network and continue to host the site on the network for 3 months: 1000 DEEP Tokens
  • Deploy your web application on the DCAI Network and continue to host the site on the network for 3 months: 3000 DEEP Tokens
  • Simple Web Application: 500–1500 DEEP Tokens
  • Dynamic and Interactive Web Application: 2000–3000 DEEP Tokens
  • Sophisticated Full-Stack Web Applications: 5000–10,000 DEEP Tokens

Bounty Multipliers:

  • By Traffic:
  • Over 1,000 Unique Visitors per Month → 1.25X
  • Over 5,000 Unique Visitors per Month → 1.5X
  • Over 10K Unique Visitors per Month → 2X

*You must agree to have analytics software installed to be eligible for this bounty

  • By Press Coverage
  • If your website or webapp draws media attention and is part of a media publication, you are eligible for a 1.5X — 3X multiplier depending on the publication’s prestige. .

DeepCloud Early Adopters, Campaign 5: IoT Ideation Bounty

**You can earn up to 25,000 DEEP ($6,250 USD worth. Conversion of 1 DEEP = 0.25 USD) for this bounty campaign**

How to participate:

  • Fill out this form to participate in Campaign 5.
  • Ideate on the decentralization and interconnection of computing devices embedded in everyday objects with DeepCloud AI’s infrastructure protocol. To participate, elaborate on a hypothetical use case of how DeepCloud AI’s infrastructure protocol will streamline data-heavy computations for an IoT integration
  • The use case may cover any industry relevant to DeepCloud AI.
  • To learn more about DeepCloud AI’s technical framework, please visit for more information.


  • Ideation must be submitted in either written or video format
  • If you choose to submit in written format, it must be at least 300 words long and be related back to DeepCloud AI’s platform. Your submission will be rejected if the report has been submitted already, or if the report is not technically valid. You have the potential to receive higher bounty multipliers if your report is not well-known, or is not already highly relatable to DeepCloud AI and its modules.
  • If you choose to submit in video format, the video must be at least 1.5 minutes long. Any videos not containing English audio must have English subtitles.

DEEP Bounty Rewards:

  • Exceptional: 12,500 DEEP
  • Great: 8,000 DEEP
  • Good: 2,500 DEEP
  • Average: 500 DEEP
  • Poor: 75 DEEP

Double your bounty! 2x — Write a confirmation of campaign participation as a post in the DeepCloud AI bounty thread using the format described in above section titled: Registration and Reporting Process

DeepCloud Early Adopters, Campaign 6: Platform UX/UI Improvement Suggestion

**You can earn up to 10,000 DEEP ($2,500 USD worth. Conversion of 1 DEEP = 0.25 USD) for this bounty campaign**

How to Participate:

  • Fill out this form to participate in Campaign 6.
  • Identify an area of improvement on the DeepCloud AI Platform
  • Provide a solution, preferably with wireframes and mockups, that show how it can be better implemented.
  • Once we approve your solution we will work closely with you to implement the suggested improvement.


  • The improvement report must be at least 500 words.
  • Must concisely identify the area of possible improvement.
  • Must prove why the proposed solution is better than the current infrastructure.
  • Must provide basic details on how the solution can be implemented.
  • Your submission should also include mockup screens for the new UI and any suggested changes.

Bonus Points:

  • The UI/UX Improvement Report must provide compelling arguments as to how this improvement can greatly improve the user experience of the future platform users.
  • References to academic studies or even case studies related to HCI / Informatics are not required but would greatly help your case.

DEEP Bounty Rewards:

The Bounty reward for this program will be based off whether or not the improvement is accepted and implemented by the DeepCloud team. If the above requirements are met, but the improvement is not accepted, a participation reward will still be distributed.

  • Accepted Improvement: 10,000 DEEP
  • Participation Reward: 400 DEEP

DeepCloud Early Adopters, Campaign 7: Bug Bounty

**You can earn up to 200,000 DEEP ($50,000 USD worth. Conversion of 1 DEEP = 0.25 USD) for this bounty campaign**

How to Participate:

  • Please fill out this form to participate in Campaign 7.
  • Test our MVPs — Huron Release, and Tahoe Release — to find any exploits, vulnerabilities and/or bugs. These can be security issues that affect the confidentiality, integrity, and/or availability of the products and/or platform.
  • Submit a private link to a doc or PDF reporting the vulnerability in full detail. The report should be as thorough as possible while being straightforward.


  • The bug bounty report must be at least 300 words.
  • Do not attempt to gain access to another user’s account or data.
  • Do not perform any attack that could harm the reliability/integrity of our services or data.
  • Don’t publicly disclose a bug before it has been fixed.
  • Don’t attempt non-technical attacks such as social engineering, phishing, or physical attacks against our employees, users, or infrastructure.

DEEP Bounty Rewards:

Depending on a number of criteria including severity, uniqueness, technical knowledge, and depth of the vulnerability, you may earn 600 DEEP to 200,000 DEEP per bug bounty reporter.

Good luck to everyone in the community, we’re extremely excited to see the community engage in the next phase of DeepCloud AI’s technical development!

-The DeepCloud AI Team

