Max Rye, CEO DeepCloud AI: My vision on Cloud Computing

Regardless of where I discuss and share our project, be it public blockchain conferences or by private invitation, I am greeted with the same reaction: A universal enthusiasm for democratizing the cloud computing space and redistributing this flow of modern resources. Whether it is government officials or private investors, the excitement that this architecture can bring them is not only understood but highly welcomed. You do not need to understand the underlying technologies of A.I and Blockchain to comprehend the benefits these innovations can bring. In fact, you won’t see mass adoption until the technology we talk so passionately about can demonstrate an actual improvement in an already existing process. Html for instance allows us all to share information with one another openly, yet the leading majority of people do not even understand how this technology works. However, they do not need to.

Adoption has been my primary focus, which is why this conversation is more exciting today than it has been previously. Today, we are able to demonstrate this social improvement to others with our MVP. As with any other resource, be it lithium or labor, infrastructure is vital; Harvesting, refining and transporting these resources is what makes them usable. It is why considerable time and effort has been spent ensuring we create an infrastructure which would stand the test of time, but also provide beneficial services for those who want to utilize the opportunities cloud computing has to offer. By lowering the barrier to entry, we allow an open-access approach for developers, resource providers and users alike. You do not need to know how DeepCloud AI works to see the benefits it can have in redistributing this computational resource — the results will speak for themselves.

The centralized cloud industry may have matured, but little to no initiative has been taken by big enterprises in finding a decentralized solution. Committed to meeting the demand of their current customers and dedicating resources to such a problem is not worth their time. However, that isn’t to say they wouldn’t be adverse to acquiring a robust network that had accomplished this — in fact, that is what we see frequently happen.

When it comes to centralized cloud computing architecture, reliability and security are the core concepts for success. With decentralized cloud computing, you have two additional components, namely payments (specifically micropayments) and connectivity between the edge device and the nearest most reliable data point. With the advances in Blockchain and AI technology, we have been able to address these issues moving away from baseline concept into a viable product.

When we talk about democratizing the IaaS industry, we are referring to this collective processing power we all take part in, but only big enterprises profit from. Devising a potent method for onboarding small businesses and the everyday user to partake in this data resource economy will become crucial. Jeff Bezos once said that “You can have a job if you’re lucky you can have a career, but if you can find a calling then you have hit the jackpot”. I feel very proud of everyone at DeepCloud AI for the work we’re doing and for allowing us to bring this genuinely innovative technology to market.

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