Boris Paskalev
Published in
11 min readJul 14, 2019

DeepCode recognized as a top SaaS startup in Europe

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Software as a Service, more commonly known by the acronym SaaS, is a popular delivery model for software programs. The software is licensed to customers, allowing them access based on a subscription service pricing strategy.


SaaS ‘products’ are commonly productivity improvement applications sold on the B2B market, however the industry also covers a wide range of applications for the B2C and B2G markets. The SaaS model has applications in messaging, computer-aided design, virtualization, customer relationship management, human resource management, enterprise resource planning, and geographic information systems, to name but a few.

The large variety of applications for SaaS are making it increasingly commonplace at work and at home, so much so that it is predicted to dominate the global B2B market in the near future.

The SaaS revolution

SaaS is becoming an increasingly attractive delivery model for both the service provider and the customer. This is perhaps best exemplified by one of the most well-known SaaS applications: Photoshop.

Photoshop, as part of Abode’s Creative Cloud, is a SaaS product used by pretty much anyone within the field of design. In 2012, Abode altered its licensing and pricing strategy drastically. For those who don’t remember a time prior to 2012, customers would make a one-time purchase of a particular version of the application (Photoshop 5, for example), and hold a license for that version in perpetuity.

Companies have woken up to the fact that people want outcomes, not ownership. They want continuous improvement, not planned obsolescence. — Tien Tzuo Founder and CEO, Zuora


Startups presented in alphabetical order, by country.

Vienna, Austria


Adverity helps marketing agencies, brands, and e-commerce retailers to maximize conversions through the use of data in order to make smarter marketing decisions. They also facilitate communication between companies and their customers, allowing them a better understanding of each other.

Founded: 2015

Mogilev, Belarus


Recommerce acts as a platform for e-commerce retailers, helping businesses create their online stores. The platform integrates with social media and includes a secure, built-in payment system, essentially simplifying the digitalization process for those looking to sell online.

Founded: 2013

Ghent, Belgium


Proceedix provides a platform to manage workflows, making instruction and documentation both paperless and mobile friendly. Their platform allows it’s clients to improve communication within their organization when working remotely, increasing overall productivity.

Founded: 2014

Sofia, Bulgaria


Enhancv offers job seekers a program to create attractive and outstanding CVs with minimal effort. With a broad spectrum of resume templates to choose from, the program includes an easy-to-use resume builder providing personal, yet professional features that simplify the process for its users.

Founded: 2014

Zegrab, Croatia


TalentLyft is a candidate sourcing system for recruiters. They help recruiters find ‘passive candidates’ quickly and effectively by using an automated tool to search for candidates with specific profiles across a range of online platforms.

Founded: 2016

Paphos, Cyprus


Messbusters specialise in developing software solutions. They produce SaaS products, web platforms, and mobile apps with a tailored user-experience in mind for clients who lack the technical expertise to produce such complex products themselves.

Founded: 2015

Brno, Czech Republic


Smartlook provides a plug-in that allows users to better understand their customer’s behaviour. Video recordings of website-users interaction with a page can be accessed, and this data is aggregated in order to produce analytic data in a simple, digestible form.

Founded: 2016

Copenhagen, Denmark


Templafy is an enterprise-wide SaaS platform that allows organizations to seamlessly share business templates department-wide. It works across all devices and ‘integrates across all IT infrastructure’.

Founded: 2014

Tallinn, Estonia


Dashbird makes software and app development cheaper, easier and faster by offering actionable insights and debugging features. They also help clients optimize their apps by the processing of analytic data.

Founded: 2017

Espoo, Finland


MeetingPackage provides cloud-based venue management software. The software acts as a platform for venues to their event spaces, and customers to book from anywhere in the world seamlessly.

Founded: 2014

Paris, France

Welcome to the Jungle

Welcome to the Jungle facilitates the recruitment process for hiring companies with a unique tracking system for applicants. They also create visual and written content for companies to highlight corporate culture and increase employer brand awareness.

Founded: 2014

Berlin, Germany


FinCompare offers small- and medium-sized companies the ability to compare corporate finance options. It is an independently-owned aggregator of financing options helping SME’s find the best options for their individual business models.

Founded: 2016

Athens, Greece


SyncBnB makes the BnB property listing process easier by offering a calendar synchronization tool that works across more than 200 booking channel. The software guarantees 100% success in preventing double booking across channels, maximizing profit and reducing customer complaints.

Founded: 2017

Budapest, Hungary


Talentuno provides an end-to-end solution for the recruitment industry. With an integrated, cloud-based software system, they help to pre-select candidates more effectively whilst at the same time reducing cost.

Founded: 2016

Reykjavík, Iceland


50Skills is an all-in-one recruiting platform that including in-platform messaging, job boards, and job sharing via social media. It makes the creation of job listings simple, allowing the employers brand to appear more attractive to potential prospects.

Founded: 2017

Dublin, Ireland


This company’s software uses artificial intelligence to mine data from across the internet in order to generate highly qualified sales leads, tailored to the specifics of the business. SalesOptimize allows its clients to skip the prospecting step and focus on generating sales.

Founded: 2013

Milan, Italy


Else Corp manages an innovative cloud-based platform for retailers, manufacturers, brands, and independent designers in the fashion industry. They provide the back-end support processes for front-end functions such as product personalization and virtual.

Founded: 2014

Riga, Latvia


Nordigen uses data analytics to help banks verify the credit ratings of potential customers using a variety of financial and behavioural parameters to expedite the process. The service helps both banks and their customers by simplifying the process of validating creditworthiness.

Founded: 2016

Vilnius, Lithuania

UniQue Software

UniQue Software aims to pioneer innovation within the telecom industry by operating its virtual phone system. The company focuses on optimizing the user-interface to provide premium quality telecom services.

Founded: 2017

Skopje, Macedonia

Embed Social

Embed Social helps to build better relationships between marketers and their potential customers by syncing their social media activity with their web presence, simply, automatically, and in real-time.

Founded: 2016

Valetta, Malta


A subscription-based service offering project management tools to creative types (graphic designers, marketing agencies, etc). Beewits facilitates the creative process by helping with the administrative tasks designers often struggle with or find uninspiring.

Founded: 2014

Podgorica, Montenegro


Codingo provides startups all over the world with web applications, mobile apps, and comprehensive SaaS solutions. They continue to offer support functions to their customers, allowing them to scale more efficiently.

Founded: 2015

Naarden, the Netherlands


AirBeamTV provides software that enables screen mirroring for iOS and MacOS systems without the need for expensive hardware such as an Apple TV. This saves its customers money whilst allowing them to seamlessly screen mirror from their iPhone to a Smart TV.

Founded: 2016

Oslo, Norway


Sanity has developed content management system construction kit that helps other developers to create datacentric, personalized applications. This allows its users to choose a content infrastructure that provides immediate value, changing as the clients business needs evolve.

Founded: 2016

Krakow, Poland


CallPage uses a SaaS solution to increase sales leads for its clients by analyzing the behaviour of potential customers who visited their website. This enables clients to move their customers through the sales funnel quicker and ultimately creates more conversions.

Founded: 2015

Lisbon, Portugal


Valispace operates a smart collaboration platform for engineers, allowing engineers to develop complex hardware through data-driven collaboration via browser-based software.

Founded: 2016

Bucharest, Romania


Omniconvert has developed a software platform that allows users to run experiments, distribute surveys and personalize mobile and desktop websites by generating insights from Google Analytics.

Founded: 2013

Moscow, Russia

Tickets Cloud

Tickets Cloud connects events organizers with their target audience through an aggregated network of sellers. The company also provides analytic data such as information about tickets sold with the goal of boosting sales.

Founded: 2014

Belgrade, Serbia

Active Collab

This startup provides project management software for companies within the creative field. They operate a platform that allows management to organize and plan projects, ensuring that all team members are aware of their individual responsibilities and deadlines are met. The platform also allows workers to communicate directly, facilitating collaboration, as well as invoicing for freelancers involved in projects.

Founded: 2016

Bratislava, Slovakia


Datamolino automates the book-keeping process in real-time. By providing an application to convert customers’ invoices into electronic files that can be imported into an accounting system, the manual data entry step can be skipped, significantly increasing efficiency.

Founded: 2013

Ljubljana, Slovenia


EazyPlan improves business efficiency for event planners by automating planning and communication functions for weddings, social and corporate events by providing customer relationship management software and project management tools.

Founded: 2017

Barcelona, Spain


TravelPerk simplifies the process of booking business trips by way of an all-in-one platform for booking, managing, and reporting details using the world’s largest inventory and disruptive technology.

Founded: 2015

Stockholm, Sweden


Funnel facilitates a marketers understanding of their customers by bringing together all data from their social and advertising platforms automatically. This data is then visualized simply for better analysis.

Founded: 2014

Zurich, Switzerland


DeepCode helps software developers to be more efficient using Ai code review suggestions learned from BigCode. This allows users to write better code by highlighting flaws in a users code before security bugs go into production.

Founded: 2016

Istanbul, Turkey


Segmentify is an e-commerce personalization platform for companies that aim to optimize their conversion rates by analyzing data on customers individual interests to create a unique shopping experience.

Founded: 2015

Kiev, Ukraine


inCafe uses predictive technology to run its online ordering platform, allowing users to expediate the process of ordering food whilst also making recommendations based on users personal tastes.

Founded: 2016

London, United Kingdom


Drover is a mobility-as-a-service and all-in car subscription service platform, simplifying the process of getting a car by providing everything a customer needs whilst billing them in one transparent monthly payment.

Founded: 2015


The SaaS delivery model looks set to stay, at least for the foreseeable future. Riding on the wave of disruptive business models facilitated by advancements in technology, SaaS appears to be another extension of the convenience economy.

What consumers recognized in the advent of revolutionary technologies such as Spotify and Uber was just the beginning of a greater societal shift towards being able to have what you want, when you want. The SaaS model builds on this trend by providing users with the ability to access the most up-to-date technology when and for as long as it is needed, and then simply deactivate their subscription when it is not.

As digitalization and the Internet of Things trend picks up speed, the use cases for SaaS will continue to increase, making a SaaS startup seem more and more attractive with the passing of time. With the European SaaS market in its relative infancy, and technology ready to disrupt a greater number of industries, there is no better time to enter into the SaaS market.

