James Autio
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2016


Dear Dr. Hidalgo,

There is a legal layer that is an 800-pound gorilla in the room that most Americans are missing entirely. I deeply admire your work by the way (and is referenced in my Medium article at the bottom). I have no personal political leanings at all (I would not vote for either major party candidate). The legal logic, which is concrete, is as follows:

  1. House Speaker Paul Ryan has already made efforts twice to deny Clinton access to Classified information based on the FBI’s findings but cannot presently do so because there is an error in the separation of powers due to lack of jurisdiction
  2. If Clinton is elected, her proven behavior in regards to handling of Classified information based merely on grounds of public endangerment — not criminality — are necessary and sufficient for Congress, as a duty to preserve and protect the Constitution, to impeach her immediately after Inauguration (Congress has jurisdiction after Inauguration)
  3. However, if after Inauguration impeachment proceedings are not pursued, the Constitution itself will be legally breached and, therefore, invalidated creating an immediate Constitutional crisis
  4. In the absence of a federal Constitution in good standing, the individual states will then have the right and duty, based on state-level Constitutions and/or Bill of Rights, to respond which could include passage of Secession from the Union
  5. Given that states like Texas have perennially expressed strong desire to secede, the dissolution of the U.S. itself is becoming a stronger possibility that can no longer be dismissed on legal grounds

My Medium article explores this in-depth as well other perspectives on the election relative to sound federal Constitutional adherence and the foundations of justice that are required in order to underwrite a healthy, functional civil society which is — at present — gravely imperiled.

With Appreciation,

James Autio



James Autio

Systems engineering. Network theory. Qualitative analysis. Theoretical biology. Author. Previously at Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. https://about.me/jamesautio