Digital Identity, Facial Recognition & Blockchain

Misha Hanin
Published in
1 min readMar 31, 2020

#COVID19 keeps the entire world in the “lockdown” position. However, technology never stops, and we always move forward.

Now, COVID19 forced a lot of companies and organizations to adjust their business flows and procedures, as well, as using technologies in different ways than intended initially.

Despite all the bad about #COVID19 pandemic, the digital identity solutions, the contact-free interaction methods (payments, access control systems), the digital security and the sweet pair AI & ML came out almost in the first place. We help companies and states to improve their processes. And, finally, blockchain technology solves the real-life tasks not just for the financial sector :)

Right now, our team is working on the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of the facial recognition aimed to replace the fingerprints. Of course, all metadata on the Blockchain :).



Misha Hanin

CEO and Co-Founder, AI, ML and Blockchain Pioneer, Cybersecurity Evangelist. Trusted Business & Technology Advisor.