Deepfence Open Source Community Update — April 2022

Owen Garrett
Deepfence Cloud Native Security
3 min readApr 6, 2022

Application security is a public good. Everyone benefits from building, operating, and using applications that are more secure. That principle led us to open source ThreatMapper in October 2021. Since the initial release, we’ve added many more capabilities to ThreatMapper, including the ability to find unprotected secrets, generate accurate SBOMs (Software Bills of Materials) from running applications, visualize attack paths from the attack surface through layers of proxies, enhanced vulnerability scans, and so much more.

In just six months, we’ve seen tremendous traction in the ThreatMapper community, which has grown to more than 1,400 stars on GitHub and more than 500,000 pull requests from DockerHub. We’ve seen some incredible engagement from our community members on GitHub and Slack. We are grateful to all who have explored and contributed to the project. 🙌

ThreatMapper Commitments

As ThreatMapper grows and gains more stars, pulls, followers, and recognition, I’d like to highlight the project’s goals and guiding principles. ThreatMapper’s mission is to help any organization find vulnerabilities and weaknesses in their production infrastructure and cloud native applications, and prioritize those which pose the greatest risk of exploit.

How do we do that? By remaining:

  • 100% open source. ThreatMapper is open and accessible to all.
  • Infrastructure agnostic. From bare metal to containers and serverless, across on-premises to cloud, ThreatMapper finds and prioritizes vulnerabilities and secrets across your unique infrastructure, so you know what to fix first.
  • Production focused. The ‘shift left’ movement has made great strides in addressing the security of applications before they are deployed to production, but we all know that exceptions are made, blind spots exist, and production drift happens. ThreatMapper will continue to take sound ‘shift-left’ practices and apply them to production and runtime.

Get ThreatMapper

Hot on the heels of the ThreatMapper 1.2.0 release in January, in March we released ThreatMapper 1.3.0. This release allows you to:

  • Scan for sensitive secrets in production
  • Generate runtime SBOMs
  • See attack paths with added context about direct and indirect internet exposure

There’s a lot to love in this release, so we encourage you to check it out on GitHub, watch the demo, and let us know if you have any questions.

Even More Open Source Projects: SecretScanner and PacketStreamer

In addition to ThreatMapper, Deepfence maintains two other open source projects. The first is SecretScanner, which finds secrets that have inadvertently made their way into production. Its capabilities are included in the latest release of ThreatMapper, but it will also remain a standalone open source project of its own.

Just a few days ago, we released PacketStreamer, a distributed packet capture tool for cloud native environments. PacketStreamer enables security professionals to easily capture traffic from production servers and honeypots and aggregate it for central inspection and processing.

What’s Next?

We’re getting ready for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe in May and hope to see you there — either live in Valencia (find us at booth S11!) or in our virtual booth.

In the meantime, check out our new community page and enter for your chance to win some free swag in our monthly raffle.

Community is the heart of open source projects. One way that we measure community engagement is through GitHub stars. If you like our projects and wish to show your support, please consider giving us a star.

Finally, we always welcome questions and feedback. Join the Deepfence community on Slack.

Originally published at on April 6, 2022.

