What a Week! KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022 — Deepfence

Jamie Gale
Deepfence Cloud Native Security
2 min readMay 24, 2022

This year’s KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe was an incredible, electrifying event! We hope you had as much fun engaging with new people and ideas as we did. In this post, we’ll share what we heard at the conference, highlight some recent news, and tell you what events we’re going to next.

What We Heard

Our days at the booth were filled with demos and great conversations about how our cloud native security observability solutions can fit into your security stack to secure your applications and workloads in production. From the open source ThreatMapper project, to ThreatStyker for enterprises, to our newly announced SaaS offering, Deepfence Cloud, we have a solution for organizations of any size, from any industry, using any cloud native infrastructure to deploy applications and workloads.

Here’s some of what we heard:

“We need this.”

“The most impressive tech I’ve seen at KubeCon.”

“From all the products and solutions that I’ve seen at Kubecon 2022, only of this one I’m 100% sure that we’ll deploy very, very soon in our K8s clusters.”

It was a huge pleasure speaking with so many of you, learning about your specific use cases, and digging into your Kubernetes and cloud native security challenges.

Recent Buzz

In the midst of the busy week, we had some exciting news.

First and foremost, we launched our SaaS solution, Deepfence Cloud. Read our announcement here or get started for free.

Related Deepfence coverage:

  • Deepfence Cloud protects cloud native applications and infrastructure against cybersecurity threats, Help Net Security
  • Deepfence Adds Managed Service to Secure Runtime Environments, Container Journal
  • Deepfence Cloud builds on ThreatStryker security observability platform, CSO Online
  • 2022 SC Awards Finalist: Most Promising Early-Stage Startup, SC Media

Plus, check out this interview with Owen Garrett, our Head of Products and Community, and Keith Townsend and Paul Gillin from the Cube.

Where to Find Us Next

In just a few short weeks, we’ll be at RSA in San Francisco June 6–9. We hope to see you there or at other events, like Black Hat and KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America.

Until then, keep in touch. Join our community Slack channel and check out ThreatMapper and our other open source projects on GitHub.

Originally published at https://deepfence.io on May 24, 2022.

