About DG AI Research Lab

We strive to push the boundaries of realism in digital games with the help of Deep Learning.

DG AI Team
2 min readAug 20, 2020


DG AI Research Lab is a private, self-proprietor organization founded by Chintan Trivedi at Ahmedabad, India in the year 2020.

Our Primary Mission

The main goal of DG AI Lab is to advance the science behind tools and techniques used in development of digital games so that it benefits both the end-users (gamers) as well as the game creators (artists and developers). We plan to bring about changes to the existing methods by leveraging the recent advancements made in the field of Artificial Intelligence, especially in the sub-field of Deep Learning.

More specifically, we are interested in exploring how we can use real-world data combined with the powerful learning capabilities of Deep Neural Networks in order to enhance the visual and behavioral realism that we can achieve in digital media like games.

Keywords: Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Generative Modeling, Procedural Content Generation, Artificial Intelligence.

Our Secondary Mission

Our social mission is to encourage young students to pursue academic research as a viable career option, especially in countries like India where its academia is not considered up-to-par with international standards despite an incredible pool of talent.

We try to create world-class research opportunities for young college students in India via international collaborations. We hope this encourages and motivates students to pursue academic research in India at a grass-roots level.



DG AI Team

AI, ML Research for Game Development. Official account for the publication medium.com/deepgamingai.