Quickly convert your 2D Sketch to 3D Animation with this AI tool

Overview of the paper “Monster Mash: A Single-View Approach to Casual 3D Modeling and Animation” by M Dvorožňák et al.

Chintan Trivedi


As someone who is not naturally a very artistic person, I have always stayed away from learning animation and 3D modeling because of the difficulty involved in it. That is why I think the future of this industry involves using Artificial Intelligence in some capacity to make it easier for people to do these things without requiring the creativity skillset.

Today I want to share a paper which takes first steps towards achieving this. The paper from Google Research is titled “Monster Mash: A Single-View Approach to Casual 3D Modeling and Animation”.

Monster Mash — UI tool for sketch to animation. [source]

They provide an easy to use UI tool where you can draw a 2D sketch of a virtual character and convert it to 3D model with click of a button. Not only that, but you can also animate it by clicking and dragging around the individual body parts and set a motion path for them in a loop. This way, you can easily create simple animations within minutes of having an idea. This can be a very powerful tool for animators for quickly testing out new ideas while also lowering the entry-level barrier in animation for people like myself.

Labeling body parts spatially for 3D conversion. [source]

In this tool, you can specify where each body part is to be attached to other parts, like front or back or symmetrically on both sides. This makes it very easy to create quick animations of humans and animals and animate their limbs, all in a matter of minutes.

Monster Mash Sketch to Animation results. [source]

I can’t wait to see a finished software product made from this research work and be used in the movie and gaming animation industry in the near future.

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Chintan Trivedi

AI, ML for Digital Games Researcher. Founder at DG AI Research Lab, India. Visit our publication homepage medium.com/deepgamingai for weekly AI & Games content!