deepomatic — A new Identity fit for new Challenges

Clare Sedger
Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2018

By Marine Boucherit, translated by Clare Sedger — Lisez cet article en français ici.

You may have already noticed some elements of our newly re-branded identity if you’ve seen us at recent AI events (AI Congress London, AI Night Paris etc) or if you’ve been keeping up to date with us on social media, but today we are officially releasing our new identity into the Wild Wild Web. Through adopting this new identity we wish to reinforce our position on the AI market both in France and internationally.

A screenshot of deepomatic’s new homepage —

An AI Revolution is coming

Let’s take this opportunity to show you a quick preview of some of the fundamental elements of deepomatic 1.0. The launch of our new identity (constructed in collaboration with LeSideCar) is an important step in the transformation of deepomatic. We are proud to work in a team of 20 talented individuals, to have 15 clients including several big groups and to have been commercializing our Image Recognition Software since last September.

The transformation of our aesthetic identity and professional positioning has led us to develop a powerful and meaningful brand that holds on to our core values whilst more clearly representing how we want to impact the AI community. Our mission is to accompany businesses that wish to impact tomorrow’s world today, to take on the challenges that will define our future societies such as designing smart infrastructures, securing efficient transportation networks, optimizing the development of autonomous vehicles or even playing a major role in research towards the fight against cancer.

Image recognition technology as the answer to tomorrow’s challenges

Transparent positioning : Make AI an option for all businesses

We want to give businesses complete control over the AI that they create (without individuals having to complete a degree in Computer Science). Using the software that we have developed we give professionals the tools they need to create their own visual recognition systems capable of solving image related problems specific to their industry.

A totally customizable AI capable of solving image related problems arising from multiple industries

Our position on the AI market is accompanied with certain values: AI is already impacting many aspects of our society, which is why it is important that we adopt a responsible approach to dealing with personal data. We agree with the political vision of Europe and the French Mathematician and Politician Cédric Villani that AI should benefit society as a whole whilst protecting personal privacy.

New challenges… new identity…

To accompany our repositioning and in an effort to further democratize Artificial Intelligence, we decided to create a new identity inspired from our classic logo (which evokes the complex framework of neural networks).

The minimalist graphics illustrate the simplification of complex AI training models, which demonstrates our wish to work in a transparent, pedagogical manner in order to democratize the AI revolution as much as we can.

Our logo has also been revamped and is now more dynamic than ever. Existing in four different color universes, the varieties of our logo represent the numerous businesses that are using image recognition to transform their industry.

Images are also at the center of our new identity, which makes sense because images are what we do! They have the power of communicating a great deal of information to us and thus the potential of solving a multitude of problems. We illustrated this on our website by using high quality images and using a video as a home page background to immediately introduce the visitor into a very visual atmosphere. Stretching from micro to macro frames, image recognition has infinite use cases in various industries… For example detecting cancerous cells in medical imagery, moderating social networks, identifying threats in CCTV cameras and much more.

From satellite to cellular images: new iconography illustrates the numerous challenges that a variety of businesses are already overcoming through the use of AI.

At deepomatic, we are certain that computer vision will be the first area of AI to bring about concrete solutions and improve our day-to-day lives. In 2018 we will continue to accompany game-changers who are already embracing the AI revolution to transform our society. We will strive to continue our mission of democratizing AI through accompanying businesses in the construction of their own image recognition systems in order to tackle the numerous challenges whose answers lie within images.

Thanks for reading.

