Anatomy of a Convergence

Daniel H
Disruptive Thinkers
4 min readFeb 27, 2020

By Daniel Hulter

Local DEF communities, called Agoras, after the public Greek assembly space where all voices could be heard, routinely host events to gather diverse communities and encourage action in line with our mission of culture change.

“An event like this demonstrates the enormous potential power in a community like the Defense Entrepreneurs Forum. Here in Hawaii, we’re harnessing that power and using it to propel us forward together.

Before becoming a fully-fledged plan, it begins like any worthwhile conspiracy: with a rumor- a tidbit- a tipoff. A reliable source with an ear to the ground has caught word that Brett Goldstein, the director of the Defense Digital Service, is going to be on island, visiting Hawaii for official purposes… I’m sure. We have one week’s notice. Bobby and Mercedes take point, as I’ll be out of town for a few days agitating at AFWERX over how to foster a culture of innovation on Air Force bases. They have one week to secure a venue, get the word out, and make things appropriately excellent.

The response comes quickly — Mr. Goldstein is interested in joining us for a short-notice, low-key Defense Entrepreneurs Forum shindig. Brett knows DEF. He spoke at one of our events in DC last year. The team is different, but as a community, DEF has an identity and a solid reputation. The DEF Hawaii team is activated and, through the power of personal connections, logistics fall rapidly into place. TRON, our local Air Force software factory, and Revacomm step up to provide a venue in downtown Honolulu. The DEF national team is on call to help with digital marketing. Within 4 days, we’ve sold out a limited supply of 20 tickets for an evening chat with the alpha software ninja and disruptor-in-chief himself, Mr. Brett Goldstein. Snacks and beverages? Check and check.

When I arrive at the offices of TRON and Revacomm, the intrepid Airmen of TRON are sharing their ambitious flight scheduling software project with Brett and his team. Connections are being made. Wisdom is being imparted.

The DEF Hawaii community at the Tuesday Talk with Defense Digital Services Director Brett Goldstein.

After the impromptu mentoring and consulting session, on an outdoor balcony overlooking the south shore of Oahu, our little gathering organically coalesces. We listen to the superhero origin story of Brett Goldstein, masterful jack of several trades, and the amazing work that the DDS does for our military services- delivering software solutions to thorny issues and teaching servicemembers how to code, design, and deploy to the highest agile development standards. Insightful questions are asked. Insightful answers are given. Everyone here is present and highly engaged. I think a string quartet might have materialized, playing something soft and inspiring as the sun slowly dips below the horizon. We listen, chat, meet, and mingle for a little while before the evening declares itself a success and wraps up.

In just a week, that little rumor about a visitor had blossomed into a convergence of minds, from a diversity of backgrounds, around an inspiring human catalyst for defense innovation, who doesn’t look entirely unlike the combined Obi-Wan Kenobis of Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor.

An event like this demonstrates the enormous potential power in a community like the Defense Entrepreneurs Forum. Here in Hawaii, we’re harnessing that power and using it to propel us forward together. As we bring along partners like Aloha Spark, TRON, startup accelerator Blue Startups, AT&T, and more, that community is growing, and with it grows the potential impact of every member. As our reach broadens, the universality of our mission becomes more clear — we all benefit when we connect, inspire, and empower innovation. This is no niche market. It’s no mere interest group. It’s a movement, and our common purpose is progress. Join us for a drink sometime and let’s see where we can take one another.

The Defense Entrepreneurs Forum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that inspires, connects and empowers people by convening events, forging partnerships and delivering tangible solutions. Our mission is to promote a culture of innovation in the U.S. national security community.

If you are a civil servant, military member, academic, entrepreneur, policymaker, or technologist (or just find the idea of helping solve tough problems enticing), we’d love to have you join the DEF Community!

