Happy Women’s History Month!

Julia Monford
Defense Unicorns
Published in
4 min readMar 4, 2024

This Article was written by: Audrey Ettesvold of Defense Unicorns

Women’s History Month (March) has been celebrated since 2011 and International Women’s Day (March 8th) dates back to the early 1900’s —

The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), a functional commission of the United Nations, was founded in February of 1947 and serves as a champion organization for gender equality and human rights. The CSW chooses a priority theme for International Women’s Day each year and the theme for 2024 is “Invest In Women: Accelerate Progress”. During their 68th session, to be held March 11–22, 2024, the CSW will focus on “…accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective.”

While the CSW’s theme for 2024 will focus on the socioeconomic, financial, and policy shifts that are necessary to further gender equality and ensure prosperous futures for all women, it’s important to remember that investing in women also comes in the form of mentorship and support. Several of our #LadiesofDefenseUnicorns shared about women that have inspired them and impacted their lives:

Rebecca Lively​ shared about a family friend, Robbin, who showed up for her in more ways than one in this LinkedIn post about her college journey as a single mom to a six-week-old baby. “Robbin’s selflessness taught me that success is rarely a one-person show. It’s the product of many hands, often those of unsung heroes who ask for nothing in return. It’s a powerful reminder to seek help when needed and to extend our hand when we can.”

Michaela Bixler ​is inspired by Radia Perlman, who is known for her patented Spanning Tree Protocol algorithm. “I find her inspiring because she not only calls out a lot of very relatable situations for women in tech (being one of like 3 women in a computer science course, feeling behind because all of the men in the class had been taking things apart since they were 7, the tendency to be given the ‘impossible’ tasks, etc.). But she also has this very important patent (STP) that underpins the stability of what started out as ARPANET and is now the Internet. I think her work and experience is a good reminder to keep going.”

Kelli Fogle ​is inspired by her mentor, Dr. Alethea Duhon. “She has held high level roles in both the private IT industry, as well as the government sector. She is an expert in her field, and shows that women can break through the glass ceiling. And she even finds time to mentor others. I aspire to be more like her.”

Jessica Hardin​ and Julia Monford​ are inspired by their moms.

Jessica said: “My mom got married at 19 to a Marine and left her home country (southern England). She had two kids before 23 and had to travel all over the world, solo, with two babies in tow to follow him around. Hearing these stories growing up always showed me just how capable women are. She has taught me to be independent, instilled a love of travel, and also created a major home body that does not like to move home base. 😅”

Julia said: Not to be cliche but my mom is the most inspirational person in my life, I can’t think of a single good thing I’ve ever done that doesn’t somehow come back to her. She raised me by herself but encouraged me to believe in love when I found the right one. She taught me to always leave room in my heart for those less fortunate and give as much of myself as I can, it just might come back around. She taught me to surround myself with other women who inspire me and drive me to be the best version of myself and I’m so grateful for the impact she has had on my life.”

Sometimes it’s your mom, sometimes it’s a mentor or role model, and sometimes it’s the village that shows up for you to support you and allow you to be your best self. Is there a woman who has inspired you or had an impact on your life or career? Share in the comments!

Some of the Ladies of Defense Unicorns at the company retreat in Las Vegas, Nevada in March 2023.
Some of the Ladies of Defense Unicorns at the Growth & Product gathering in Dallas, Texas in February 2024.

