How to Set Up MetaMask with Celo

Annabella Szabo
DeFi for the People
4 min readSep 21, 2021

We are pleased to announce that Celo now supports MetaMask. MetaMask is one of the most widely used crypto wallets, liked for its excellent UI/UX that allows for easy access to the blockchain for ordinary users. Integrating this app into our ecosystem is an important step in better serving our users. MetaMask enables access to the Celo blockchain without additional apps.

Celo Adds MetaMask Support

MetaMask is a blockchain-based application that equips you with a key vault, secure login, token wallet, and token exchange. It provides a secure means to connect to blockchain-based applications. MetaMask is mostly used to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, although its functionality was recently introduced to the Celo ecosystem. You can use MetaMask as an in-browser extension or as a mobile app.

The Celo Network’s Donut hard fork, activated on mainnet on May 19, 2021, enables the protocol to support Ethereum-compatible transactions. As such, you are now able to use MetaMask to interact with the Celo blockchain and dApp developers can easily port Ethereum dApps over to Celo.

Since MetaMask does not actively support Celo compatibility, some features won’t work perfectly. It is therefore important to be aware that certain things might be different. For instance, the MetaMask UI might show the ETH logo where it’s meant to show the Celo logo or no logo at all.

Setting Up MetaMask with Celo

This is the process you should follow when manually adding the Celo network to the MetaMask wallet.

Step One: Download MetaMask

The first step is to download the app to your mobile phone or install the extension on your desktop browser. The MetaMask application can be downloaded from Apple’s App Store and Android’s Play store. MetaMask is compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and Opera.

Step Two: Open MetaMask and Create or Import a Wallet

Click on the icon in the top right corner to open the MetaMask extension. To install the latest version of MetaMask, click “Try it Now” then “Continue.” You will then be asked to create a new password. After typing in your preferred password, click on “Create” then “Next,” and accept the Terms of Use. You should then click “Reveal Secret Words,” to reveal your 12-word seed phrase. Make sure to save the seed words as a file or copy in a secure place and click “Next.” Ensure you verify your secret phrase then click on “Confirm.”

Step Three: Settings>Networks>Add Network

Click on “Settings.” Next, scroll down and click on “Networks,” then press the “Add Network” button. This is the same process for the mobile app as well as the desktop extension.

Step Four: Add Celo Network Details

Proceed to fill in the details of the specific Celo network you would like to connect to. There are three networks to choose from: Celo Mainnet, Alfojores Testnet, and Baklava Testnet.

For the Celo mainnet, fill in the following details:

Network Name: Celo (Mainnet)


Chain ID: 42220

Currency Symbol (Optional): CELO

Block Explorer URL (Optional):

For the Alfojores Testnet, fill in the following details:

Network Name: Celo (Alfajores Testnet)


Chain ID: 44787

Currency Symbol (Optional): CELO

Block Explorer URL (Optional):

For the Baklava Testnet, fill in the following details:

Network Name: Celo (Baklava Testnet)


Chain ID: 62320

Currency Symbol (Optional): CELO

Block Explorer URL (Optional):

Once done, press “Save,” and the Celo network you just configured should show up under MetaMask’s “Network” dropdown list.

Once you complete this process, your MetaMask wallet is properly configured, and you can use it to explore our network, add, transfer, send and receive assets on the Celo Network.

It’s that easy! The setup process is simple and fast. Try it out now and feel free to ask us any questions in the Celo Discord or on Telegram channels.

Note: Remember to secure your seed phrase before going further into what the application can do.

