How to View assets, such as CELO, cUSD, and cEUR, on MetaMask with Celo

Annabella Szabo
DeFi for the People
2 min readSep 22, 2021

In our previous post, we took you through the process of adding the Celo network to MetaMask. MetaMask does not natively support Celo compatibility, as it is primarily used for interacting with the Ethereum Blockchain.

MetaMask functionality on the Celo network was enabled through the Donut hard fork, activated in May. We anticipate some features may not run as seamlessly as they do on the Ethereum blockchain, so, we advise you to exercise some caution when running some functions using Celo with MetaMask. That said, we expect most features to run smoothly.

Getting Assets on MetaMask with Celo

Adding tokens, such as cUSD and cEUR, to MetaMask is a rather simple process.

First, open your MetaMask wallet or browser extension and select the Celo network you are connected to. From MetaMask’s home screen, click on “Add Token” under the “Assets” tab. This will then lead you to a screen where you can click on the “Custom Token” tab. Copy-paste the addresses below, in the “Token Address” field, depending on the token you would like to add. The “Token Symbol” and “Decimals of Precision” should automatically fill in.

These are the addresses for cUSD and cEUR on the following networks.

Celo Mainnet

Token Contract Address for cUSD: 0x765de816845861e75a25fca122bb6898b8b1282a

Token Contract Address for cEUR: 0xd8763cba276a3738e6de85b4b3bf5fded6d6ca73

Alfajores Testnet

Token Contract Address for cUSD: 0x874069fa1eb16d44d622f2e0ca25eea172369bc1

Token Contract Address for cEUR: 0x10c892a6ec43a53e45d0b916b4b7d383b1b78c0f

Baklava Testnet

Token Contract Address for cUSD: 0x62492A644A588FD904270BeD06ad52B9abfEA1aE

Token Contract Address for cEUR: 0xf9ecE301247aD2CE21894941830A2470f4E774ca

Once you input the addresses, click on “Next” and then “Add Tokens.” You will be taken back to the home screen, and will be able to see your token listed under “Assets.”

If you downloaded MetaMask and already added the Celo network of your choice, this next process of adding assets to the wallet should be fast and easy. Make sure you use the correct address for cUSD and cEUR for Celo Mainnet, Alfajores Testnet, and Baklava Testnet.

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DeFi for the People builds upon Celo’s mobile-first approach to make crypto and DeFi accessible for all. This is an open initiative for builders and entrepreneurs alike. Anyone interested in accelerating the adoption of crypto and DeFi in the real world is welcome to join. Learn more here.

