Join DeFi for the People at Messari Mainnet!

DeFi ForThePeople
DeFi for the People
2 min readSep 15, 2021

DeFi for the People is excited to join the crypto community next week at Messari Mainnet for demos, events, and spirited discussions about NFTs, cross-chains, the future of Web 3.0, and more!

If you’re attending in-person, join us at the Celo booth located near the main stage and at Celo’s interactive demo space for projects that showcase real world examples of solutions built on Celo. Valora, PoolTogether, and Moola Market — three of DeFi for the People’s founding partners — will be in attendance to demo real-world DeFi projects built on Celo. You’ll also have a chance to meet some of the developers building dApps in support of Celo’s mission to create the conditions of prosperity for everyone.

Lastly, mark your calendars to catch our colleagues from the cLabs team in discussion with fellow leaders in the crypto community. They’ll be speaking on the following dates and times:

  • Xochitl Cazador: “Proof-of-Work”

Monday September 20 at 3:20pm, 5th floor/Westside Ballroom North

  • James Prestwich: “Bitcoin’s Place in a Multi-Chain World”

Tuesday Sept 21 at 3:00pm, 6th floor/Broadway Ballroom

  • Marek Olszewski: “Building for 6 Billion: What Mobile-First Web3 Looks Like”

Wednesday Sept 22 at 11:40am, 6th Floor/Broadway Ballroom

If you cannot make it to the event in person, be sure to buy a virtual pass online to watch the sessions. You can also follow cLabs on Twitter to stay updated on the schedule.

We look forward to hopefully seeing you at Mainnet!

