Combat Skills by Class — Warrior

The Warrior Class skill list!

DeFi Kingdoms
DeFi Kingdoms Official
4 min readJan 23, 2023


Ahh adventurer, you’ve made it back again! We have a new Combat skill list and background to share, the Warrior! More classes will be coming, so keep a weather eye on the horizon.

**At the time of writing, all contents herein are considered “Pre-Alpha” and are therefore subject to change. We will update these contents as changes are made and date the changes for easy reference.****

The Warrior

A mighty participant in battle!
*We will not be releasing animations for newly revealed classes at this time so as to not distract from the development process.*

Hero Background

The thrill of battle, the glory of a hard fought victory, and the oceans of blood and sweat that come along with it; the Warrior lives for the battlefield. Some say Warriors are the fiercest fighters in the realm, others say the gods adorned them with unrivaled strength and endurance, but pretty much everyone agrees that you should never mess with one unless you have to.

A durable and powerful melee class, the Warrior excels in close-quarters combat and can adapt to different situations with a wide array of skills and abilities. They are the backbone of any adventuring party, and are often called upon to lead the charge into battle — even as mercenaries. They truly are the embodiment of strength and courage, a true force to be reckoned with.

Whether it be in the heat of combat or in a quiet moment of contemplation, the three paths of the Warrior each require the need for constant growth and improvement. Each with its own identity and approach to handling the chaos of the fray. Each with its own way to start and quickly end a fight.

First, the path of the Gladiator is for those Warriors who have honed their skills in the subtle art of cleaving things in two. The Gladiator leverages their considerable strength to overwhelm and crush their enemies with heavy physical blows. This path focuses on both aggressive and powerful single target attacks and whirlwind spins hastily executed to cut through enemy teams, leaving nothing but destruction and mayhem in their wake.

Second, the Juggernaut is a Warrior of few words and even fewer… thoughts. Fully-equipped with an ever-present look of “come at me”, the endurance and raw defense of a Juggernaut allows them to shrug off the most powerful of blows and even become unstoppable in the face of a formidable opponent. Unbridled instinct and utter defiance take over to mitigate physical attacks and to resist any incoming onslaught with ease, making the Juggernaut a wall of defense for their allies that can also stop enemies dead in their tracks.

Lastly, the Bloodthirst path lends the Warrior significant sustained damage in the face of a tiring enemy. Pure rage and frenzied fury adds fuel to the fires of battle, rewarding these Warriors for their excellent bladework and hardened bloodlust. Intimidation, strength, and a touch of madness are enough to execute any weakened foe, but are never enough to stay the hand of this battle-obsessed and hard-nosed Warrior. Look to the bloodthirsty to never relent once the battle has begun, but most certainly expect the Warrior to strike the final blow to end it.

Beware, for the Warrior’s path is not an easy one. It requires unwavering determination and courage even when facing off against the most deadly of foes. But for those who are willing to take upon themselves these challenges head-on, the rewards are great.

Combat Skills


  • *DoD: Degree of Difficulty
  • 10+ point skills cost 10 minus the cost of the basic version of the skill and require having the basic version
  • 15 point skills are only available to Heroes with a matching Class/Subclass

All of the table images above can be found in text format in our Docs at:

Which Class shall we learn about next? Only one way to find out, make sure you’re subscribed to stay up to date!



DeFi Kingdoms
DeFi Kingdoms Official

A game, a DEX, a liquidity pool opportunity, a market of rare utility driven NFTs in the incredibly nostalgic form of fantasy pixel art.