Dev Update: May 6, 2022

DeFi Kingdoms
DeFi Kingdoms Official
3 min readMay 6, 2022

Skali’s blessings upon thee! It’s time for another Dev Update as a horde of Berserkers, Seers, and Shapeshifters enter the realms and the Heroes of Serendale and Crystalvale meet and mingle for the first time!

Our Front-end Team worked tirelessly in the early part of the week to bring the Portal and Tavern to life. On Wednesday, the Hero bridge was still being finalized with Synapse, and Beetle Dude and team were making adjustments to the user interface and squashing bugs right up until the final moments. Our alpha testers along with QA Specialist Winston Jazzhands and, of course, everyone’s favorite former Knight Sashei, helped ensure a smooth release. Front-end always spends the day after a release squashing more bugs, but in this case, they also continued work to prepare for the Gen0 Reroll release today.

The API Squad worked overtime to get everything ready for the Hero Bridge release, so that Heroes properly show across both realms. They worked, as always, with the Solidity Team throughout the process. Solidity spent most of the week on Wednesday’s launch, but they also cooked up some really interesting proposals around a feature that people have been requesting for quite some time. It’s still early days and there are more immediate tasks in front of them, but it’s possible that a new way to sell items might be coming to the realms…

The Mechanics Engineers spent a chunk of time this week helping with improvements to the Hero stats and how they’re handled across contracts, to streamline the process and prevent errors where the wrong stat is returned, which can be difficult to identify and fix. This time investment will yield dividends as more systems utilize the Heroes. Additionally, they assisted with snapshots for Gen0 raffles while continuing to tweak Duels and pets.

The Art Team came through in the clutch with some last-minute changes to the bridge UI, completed the Stone Carver NPC, and hit a major milestone in the pets project: they’ve begun mapping pet appearances to the other pet data that will be needed to hatch. Don’t get too far ahead of yourselves, as there’s still a lot of work to be done, but The Hatchening is growing ever closer.

The Lore Team went on a dangerous trip this week when they started concepting a questline for survivors of the Perilous Journey. We have lots to do on that front and plenty of other teams will need to be involved to bring this questline to life, but we want to make sure you know, if you’re HODLing survivors, that we haven’t forgotten about you. The lore bois are also starting to put some polish on a list of achievements, which gets the ball rolling on another exciting system.

That wraps things up for this week. We wish you all a happy and healthy weekend and look forward to seeing you all in Discord!



DeFi Kingdoms
DeFi Kingdoms Official

A game, a DEX, a liquidity pool opportunity, a market of rare utility driven NFTs in the incredibly nostalgic form of fantasy pixel art.