Metis Partnership | DeFi Kingdoms PvP Colosseum FAQ

Answers to your questions!

DeFi Kingdoms
DeFi Kingdoms Official
5 min readFeb 29, 2024


We are extremely excited to collaborate with Metis and expand DFK features while attracting more people to Web3 gaming. This new partnership with Metis enables DFK to prioritize the PvP experience! Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Is PvP really coming?

Yes! Our new partnership with Metis means that we will be introducing PvP to DeFi Kingdoms in the not-too-distant future!

Is this a new realm?

We will not be introducing a full DFK Realm on Metis at this time. The Colosseum will be a zone or collection of zones located on the Metis blockchain specifically for Player vs Player (PvP) Combat!

Will there be another Power Token?

We are not introducing a new Power Token with this feature release. (No)

Will there be new Hero classes?

We are not introducing new Hero classes with this feature release. (No)

How does this impact timelines?

The partnership with Metis allows us to accelerate development timelines. The PvP build out will not significantly, if at all, impact the features currently in development, such as the next class release and Expeditions.

How does this benefit players?

The partnership with Metis will allow us to accelerate some timelines, including that for PvP itself, which will now be brought to our players sooner and with more features than originally anticipated! Additionally, having PvP content opens opportunities for more competitive gameplay, tournaments, streaming content, additional use of in-game items such as potions, and more demand for higher-level and stronger Heroes.

Additionally, our partnership brings an allocation of METIS tokens to reward our players, allowing us to further incentivize gameplay and tournaments!

Why not launch PvP in an existing realm?

Utilizing a specific and exclusive zone for PvP simplifies the process for new potential players. A full DFK realm is a hub of bustling activity with a lot of options for players to dive into the deeper aspects of the game and DeFi. A dedicated PvP zone is easily found and identified for those more directly seeking out the most competitive aspects of the game. Having a partner in Metis who is honed in on our PvP content allows for additional marketing opportunities and player rewards.

What is the build roadmap?

There will be three phases of the build out. The first phase will be private matches, including the option to customize the fight requirements and add wagers. The second phase will be a tournament system, where we will host ongoing tournaments with prize pools. And the final phase will be an expansion of that tournament system that allows anyone to create and run their own tournaments, with their own guidelines and prizes!

We will be taking a very custom approach to this build, in order to maximize on DeFi Kingdoms’ and Metis’ technology, blockchain security, and ease of access!

Why Metis?

Metis launched in May 2021 and lasting partnerships are coveted by both Metis and DFK. The DFK team has explored many potential partnerships with other blockchains that contained significant technological challenges that would make adding a DFK realm unfeasible. As an Optimistic Rollup Ethereum Layer 2 Network, Metis inherits the security of Ethereum and ensures that DFK will be a part of an ecosystem with over $720m in Total Value Locked, a vibrant community, and a dedicated vision of the future.

The Metis team are already fans of DFK, having witnessed the resilience and continual improvements over the previous two years. In our discussions, we looked for ways to unlock future potential and landed on a partnership that aligns our interests via PvP! Metis Labs will be supporting the development, release, and marketing of our PvP combat and will receive exclusivity of each feature for one year following the release of that feature, ensuring a future of mutual benefit and success!

Gas on Metis looks expensive, is PvP going to have expensive transactions every time?

We have identified several potential options to limit gas costs and we are still finalizing the specific build approach that we will be taking. With the Metis team looking to introduce new Data Availability solutions in conjunction with the Colosseum development, there will be native options in the near future that allow transactions to be completed faster for a fraction of current gas prices. Providing a user-friendly and cost-effective solution is always of the utmost importance to us.

Will we have to bridge our Heroes/Pets/Equipment back and forth all the time?

We aim to create the best solution possible, both for experience and cost, as we finalize our build plans. As with our future Travel system, players will need to make choices about which location for certain of their Heroes will best suit their needs. Many Heroes will want to make the journey to the Colosseum for the opportunity for fame and glory, but others may not. The choice is always in the hands of their Commander.

Does this mean we can do Land and Perilous Journey tournaments?

Stage 2 of the Colosseum PvP build out is a tournament system, which will involve significant prize pools and allow us to distribute in-game assets in a whole new way! These tournaments could include some grand prizes and we will provide more details as that time comes.

Will there be a DEX/Jeweler on Metis?

Metis has an existing and thriving DeFi ecosystem for us to utilize. However, we also want to ensure that we support a healthy DFK PvP environment. Existing features or additional new features will be considered during and after the initial PvP build-out.

What involvement does Metis have on development?

Metis will be our partner in the launch, marketing, and success of the Colosseum. However, the development of the features and our combat system will remain solely with the DFK team.

With PvP being exclusive on Metis, how does this impact plans for other features, such as travel?

Each phase of PvP Combat on Metis will be exclusive for one-year following the release of that stage. During this time, we will continue to build out other features as well, such as additional PvE content, Travel, and Crafting. We do not anticipate any impact on the designs of future features.

When can we expect codices for more/all classes?

This partnership will allow us to accelerate the development of class codices!

Why announce it so far in advance?

Our Metis partnership enables an infusion of additional resources to the development of PvP. We are both excited about what this partnership represents and growing together. We have jointly announced the news so that both our communities can share in the excitement!



DeFi Kingdoms
DeFi Kingdoms Official

A game, a DEX, a liquidity pool opportunity, a market of rare utility driven NFTs in the incredibly nostalgic form of fantasy pixel art.