Dev Update: AMA April 17

DeFi: The Gods!
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2022

Greetings Champions!

Here is a summary of the Questions and Topics discussed on our recent AMA for those who were unable to join the call. If you would like to listen to the Recording visit our “Announcements” over on our discord server.

Team Members who were present during the AMA:

  • King Austwinington — Founder
  • SoaringFish — Community Manager
  • Dabster — Analyst

Link to our team page:

Updates from the team

Art and Unity

Raysixx is creating and animating the attacks for base characters. Every character will have similar attacks for the first 3 attacks. Once we release the skill tree players can advance more in terms of skills and moves. This week we should be getting those animations ready. Unity team will have a small demo for the team to try out this coming week.

Discord Updates

We were able to add the $ONE Token price and Champion NFT Floor Price the Discord server this week. If anyone has requests for any useful bots for our community please feel free to let us know. Rumble Royale has also been added to the discord server. We have been busy with minor quality of life updates on discord so please bear with us if you notice that things are moving around.

Tokenomics Whitepaper

Dabster has sent the Team a draft of the token whitepaper and we are currently reviewing each section, we should be able to drop the finalized version soon! We are excited to finally release it to the community. Currently we are still ensuring a proper balance of token rewards for stakers and LPs as well as vesting periods. Hang tight everyone we are almost there!

Harmony Partnerships and Team Meetings

We are working on hosting AMAs for other Harmony Applications and Developers this coming week we are lined up to speak over at the Morsel Protocol (Discord Link). Our weekly AMA will also be done over at Twitter Spaces in the coming weeks.

Artemis Protocol

We are scheduled to meet with the Artemis Team sometime this week to discuss ways for us to launch our token on their platform. We have seen their approach with supporting new projects on Harmony and would like to know more on how we can form a partnership.

Possible ICO/IDO Platform Project

One of the Unity Game Devs has also reached out to the founders for a possible project that we can be able to build our own launchped for our token. More details to follow once we know if its feasible or not.


Will there be DTG PvP Tournaments?

Yes! We fully support competitive gaming. There will be Seasonal Competitions and Specific Time based Tournaments possibly running for a designated weekend.

Token name at launch?

Possible TBA. We would like to have a fair launch and no malicious activity.

Will we be able to stake the NFTs for emissions?

Yes. We are working on the best way to distribute rewards in the most sustainable way possible so expect this one to take more time to release.

Will there be vehicles in game?

For now there will only be walking with some speed buffs but Mounts are possible in the future.

Will there be fishing in game?

Yes this is likely.

Thank you all for joining the special (lol) Easter AMA! We appreciate the time you guys spend with us it really means the world. As April is coming to an end we are happy with the current progress each member of DTG is moving. Should you have anymore questions about the game feel free to head over to our discord and we will be glad to answer them! ❤



DTG Website

Disclaimer: Details discussed during the AMA are subject to change without any further notice since we are constantly working on this project.

