Dev Update: AMA March 20

DeFi: The Gods!
Published in
6 min readMar 22, 2022

Greetings Champions!

Here is a summary of the Questions and Topics discussed on our recent AMA for those who don’t have the option to listen to the recording posted on our Discord Server.

Team Members who were present during the AMA:

  • King Austwinington — Founder
  • Dabster—Analyst
  • SoaringFish — Community Manager

Link to our team page:

Updates from the team

We recently hired a new artist 1–2 weeks ago and his name is Raysixx. He is super talented and we are excited to have him on board. In the short period of time he has done much and shows great passion for the project.

3 Unity Devs have also been hired that will help build the game. 1 Backend, 1 UI, 1 Core Game Mechanic. We will share more info on them once they begin working on the game.

Once we get more design and art assets from our artists we can start to have them used on the Unity Game Engine. For now we are making sure that the designs that we are approving are fit to our vision of what the game should look like. We will have the new members of our team join the next AMAs to share a little more about themselves to the community and so you guys can ask any questions!

Questions from AMA:

Thoughts on implementing a 0/0/0 Roadmap?

Currently our Roadmap is set Quarterly and goals will be completely every 3 months. We haven't setup the 4th Quarter since we recently hired more team members to work on the game. Once we get a clear timeline from the Unity Devs and Artists we can predict further into the future.

Any info on what difference each character type has?

3 types of characters:
DPS - Pirate, Dark Monk, Archer, Mage
Healers - Shaman, Priest
Tanks - Barbarian, Knight

Each class will have Primary and Secondary Combat Stats meaning for example a Monk will have Primary (Attack) Secondary (Magic). The Skill tree will be limited by your Primary and Secondary Stats. So a Monk can not have the same tankyness as a Barbarian/Knight this will keep the roles for each class unique and ensures a balanced gameplay wherein the Tanks will be needed in front to catch all the damage as usual. There will still be a certain aspect of the game that will allow you to create “Hybrid” meta builds as we know this is important in any game to be fun and creative for players to enjoy!

How do we plan to set our selves apart from all these GameFi Platforms?

DTG is an MMORPG and there are few to none in the market(Harmony Network) that are trying to achieve this. Most games are Idler or Dice Roll type. DTG will be an Active game wherein you can move around the world and battle monsters around Harmonia and have Realtime PvP Battles with other Champions. We will also be implementing a player made economy this will allow players to craft Items within the game and the assets can be sold for Crypto Tokens or as NFTs.

Updated info from the Bonuses from each faction?

We are currently working out a cool way to involve the factions into the actual gameplay. We will release more updates here on Discord.

How many more Whitelist slots?

As of posting there are 56 Slots left.

Will there be Scholarships?

We will have Guilds. Not yet discussing Scholarships and we probably will not have Rental Functions. We want to have actual and unique holders of Champions. You will be able to rent your Land NFTs to players.

General estimate for Playable Game?

We will first implement the PvP Feature of the game and no final dates yet as to this. We have Raysixx working on the base character animations (running, walking, attack). Once we get those sent over to our Unity Devs we can release a better estimate on when the playable content will be available. We will get back to the community asap.

When Land?

Once the game is on a playable state so that players can actually USE the land they buy. We guarantee that the land sale will be prior to release of the full functionality of the land.

Will Land be for individuals?

Will be bought for individuals. There will be a guild focused aspect to it and have individual buyers have them rented out to earn some rewards from the sale.

Will there be a benefit for whitelist in terms of Land?

All mints will be fair. You cant earn early purchases for land, you will need to get in line along with everyone else.

Land Price and Mint Price?

No info for now since we need to discuss whether to use the native token or use $ONE. We don't want to set a price now and since this is still months away have the price drastically move in some direction. We can probably do what other projects have done and set a USD Value for the sale and implement it 24hrs before. But as far as pricing goes we want to have a fair price for our project since we are quite unique in the Harmony space.

Is there going to be Champion Staking?

Yes and No. The way we would like to implement it is that if you own a champion and someone else mints a champion you would just need to head to the DTG website and claim your rewards from there. This is still in the works but once we get things ironed out we will update our website with all the details involved with staking.

How is socializing in-game?

We will be implementing Text Chat while playing. We understand that most Voice Chat happens on Discord, so we will create some custom channels for teams to form squads etc.

When Alpha/Beta Tests?

We will update the community once we start giving the Unity Devs the assets from our Artists.

Do you need a Gaming Laptop to play?

It will be a pixel game so you should be able to play on relatively any computer. But the specific requirements will be announced once in the coming months.

What happens once we mint out all the 5000 Champions? Then What?

We have a Blood Crystals article on this explaining what happens once your Champion has reached “End Game” stage. You can read it HERE.

When Gen0?

We don't have any Gen 0. Since we don’t do any breeding mechanics.

What are the “Risks” in PvP?

We will have Friendly Matches and Paid/Staked Matches which will allow champions to wager crypto in their battles.

Will you lose Items upon death?

Your items will drop. We will implement something to keep a couple of items on death. The items you lose, you will need to pay a certain currency to get them back. Not in PvP though since you will only lose what you wager.

How big is the map planned to be?

We would like the map to be large. As far as how long it will take to cross the map? Well you will need to unlock the map to be able to cross it. Difficult to give any updates since we are waiting on our Devs to show us how quick we can make the base walking rate and work from there.

Mounts? Pets?


Will there be fast travel?

No. Its the journey, not the destination. We want to build an in game economy that is realistic so different towns have different traders and you will need to have a sort of caravan to deliver items to each town, example is having a guild primarily delivering high value items from town to town and selling them on the open market.

That's a wrap folks!

For more updates on our game you can visit our links below and stay tuned for our next AMA and community based events. See you all in Harmonia!



DTG Website

Disclaimer: Details discussed during the AMA are subject to change without any further notice since we are constantly working on this project.

