Top Venture Capital Firms Investing in Blockchain

BlockX Network
Alternative Digital Assets
3 min readOct 26, 2021

Ideas indeed rule the world. This particularly rings true in the business world, where most great business empires started from the revolutionary thinking of one man or a group of people. Notwithstanding, as good as an idea might seem, it can only become functional if it gets needed funds to be up and running.

This is where Venture Capital comes in. Venture Capital is a form of private financing that businesses and startup companies get from investors who believe such companies have long-term high growth potentials. The general conception of a Venture Capitalist is that of an investment bank or company, private investors, or established financial institutions.

Some of the most established blockchain global venture capitalist companies globally include Pantera Capital, Digital Currency Group, Coinbase Venture, Blockchain Capital, and Fenbushi Capital. Recently, venture capitalists have become prominent for investing in fintech, tech, and software infrastructure companies.

However, this traditional approach has limitations as it only gives access to early investment to a small group of established and rich entities.

Tokenizer, a new blockchain venture capital firm, has set out to change this, making early high-potential investment opportunities accessible to everyday people.

Tokenizer’s Blockchain-Based Venture Capital Investment

Decentralized Finance is an aspect of cryptocurrency that has seen increasing use cases in the past few years. This cryptocurrency-based solution built on blockchain is precisely the basis for which Tokenizer revolutionizes venture capital and early investment in high potential startup companies and similar investment opportunities.

At the core of the Tokenizer project is an open system that democratizes investment and banking. This way, businesses seeking capital are not confined to the valuation of just a handful of angel investors. Such projects can raise lots of money through a pool of dedicated investors — businesses, financial institutions, established individuals, and regular crypto investors and traders.

Investment opportunities will no longer be limited to a few privileged people. Tokenizer opens the door for you to hold tokens representing real investments. At the same time Tokenizer also allows you to get unparalleled access to alternative investments. Investment opportunities with multiple asset classes that can power your portfolio diversification.

By breaking assets down into tokenizable units, Tokenizer has made it possible for all and sundry to hold the proportion of investment they can afford. There’s virtually no limit to what can be tokenized on the Tokenizer platform — be it Real Estate, bonds, or just about any valuable asset. To know the extent of what Tokenizer offers, you should check out tokenizer’s website.

Our recommendation: What can be Tokenized? The Tokenization of Everything

The Process Flow

Tokenizer has a structured process flow in place which ensures the provision of end-to-end decentralized investment at every stage:

Token Issuance

The first step tokenizer takes to help companies raise venture capital is to issue tokens. Tokenizer does this by effectively managing and overseeing the issuance of asset-backed tokens across blockchains such as the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Tezos, Ethereum, etc.

Initial Sales Market

The second step in the VC process is the initial sale of tokens. Tokenizer does this by performing transparent initial sales on regulated markets. Execution rules are carefully baked into smart contracts.

Global Security Exchange

The last step in the tokenizer VC process flow is the global accessibility and trading of tokens. Once tokens have been sold, it is expected that their values will grow over time as the business grows. Tokenizer provides a global exchange platform where ABT holders can exchange tokens and trade other forms of digital assets.

Learn more about: The Benefits of Digitizing Private Equity

Announcing Tokenizer’s Series A Round

Tokenizer is inviting the general public to partake in its series A round of token pre-sale. You can signify interest by registering with this link. You should check out tokenizer’s website for more information about the sale scope, sale type, and other relevant details.

About Tokenizer

Tokenizer is a global end-to-end platform for digital securities on the blockchain. We enable tokenization, initial sale to accredited investors, and trading in secondary markets, all with compliance built into the smart contract code. The goal of Tokenizer is to democratize global investment and banking solutions.

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