DeFi Wizard Partners with TechRate

Boosting blockchain security and safety for our customers under the hood

DeFi Wizard
2 min readOct 22, 2021


DeFi Wizard 🤝 Techrate

DeFi Wizard is excited to announce TechRate — One of the leading blockchain audit companies, as our official audit partner.

Going forward, this collaboration will empower DeFi Wizard to facilitate smart contracts audit through TechRate for its clients apart from the existing Smart DeFi Solutions

Blockchain businesses will find all the technical solutions along with audit services through TechRate under one umbrella — DeFi Wizard!

Product Suite offered by DeFi Wizard

Defi Wizard offers, one-click, one-stop, multi-chain compatible development tools and provides quicker, safer and versatile solutions.

Defi Wizard aims to do so by offering one-stop, one-click, multi-chain services catering to several fundamental needs. Here are the services offered by Defi Wizard for its customers.

  • Smart Contract Creation and Vesting Contract
  • Investor Token Claiming Dashboard
  • Bridging as a Service
  • Staking as a Service
  • Liquidity Reward Program as a Service
  • Customized Smart Contract Solutions
  • Enterprise solutions

Safety & Security

DeFi Wizard has always been focussing on the safety aspects of its products throughout its existence to offer an integrated seamless user experience for its customers. DeFi Wizard has earned the badge as a secure blockchain service provider from renowned audit partners.

About TechRate

Techrate is an analytical and engineering agency focused on blockchain technology solutions and audits.

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About DeFi Wizard

DeFi Wizard is a market leader in providing smart contract-based solutions to blockchain companies in launching their tokens and post token launch services. It offers one-stop, one-click, multi-chain services catering to several essential needs.

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