How Smart Contracts as a Service (SCAS) is shaping the DeFi Ecosystem

Opening doors to umpteen opportunities in the DeFi space

DeFi Wizard
3 min readOct 25, 2021


The Decentralized Finance sphere is spreading its wings exponentially. This space has now a locked-up value of over $100 billion in various DeFi protocols. Be it the magnitude or the volume, when it comes to DeFi, it is just so huge.

Believe it or not, we are on our way to creating a crypto-economy and the rate at which things are moving, we are not far away!

Blockchain is now architecting the way the whole financial institution will conduct its operations.


Let’s look at how Smart Contracts as a Service is shaping the blockchain sphere

With the pace that the DeFi ecosystem is evolving, what becomes imperative at this point for businesses involved is to make a stellar journey for the users who get involved with their decentralized applications and protocols. One such emerging and very important milestone in providing smart contracts as a service to budding companies.

SCAS is more so on its way to changing the way agreements are made and executed across various parallels of the DeFi ecosystem. Fundamentally, every blockchain company entering the DeFi space will require these technical solutions that are simple and secure for its growth and development to roll out its user-friendly products.

This makes SCAS as one of the most crucial reinforcements for success of the companies entering and operating in this ecosystem.

DeFi Wizard, recently acquired by ZeroSwap, is one such company that is harnessing the power of providing SCAS solutions to empower other companies in the blockchain sphere to strengthen its standing with a phenomenal range of services up its sleeve.

Smart Contracts as a Service by DeFi Wizard

DeFi Wizard has quickly established itself as the market leader in providing Smart Contract as a Service (SCAS) solutions.

So far, DeFi Wizard has successfully served over 50 clients to date and counting.

Have a look at some of the top features that DeFi Wizard provides with its SCAS solutions:

  • Multichain utility- Smart Contracts developed by DeFi Wizard run on multiple blockchains such as Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Solana, Avalanche, Polkadot, and are capable of interacting with any software platform.
  • Integrations that are seamless- Interact with hundreds of apps, including ERPs, banks, Contract Lifecycle Management Software, customer relationship management systems, and others.
  • Tools for rapid adoption- Interact with web-based interfaces, mobile applications, and other user-friendly software.
  • Software as a Service- The Smart Contract application developed by DeFi Wizard is delivered as Software as a Service.

DeFi Wizard excels in offering smart contract-based solutions to blockchain enterprises viz. LP Staking, Bi-Directional Bridges, Vesting Contracts, Token Claiming Dashboard etc (check the services here) to assist in launching their tokens and post token launch services.

Its latest connection with ZeroSwap has only strengthened both parties to deliver an integrated smooth user experience to the crypto users.

DeFi Wizard identified the paradigm shift in the system rather early and has grown itself into an agile organization catering to these business requirements through its powerful solutions. With the solutions that it has and the ones that it is coming up with, there’s absolutely no doubt in the fact that DeFi Wizard and all that it offers on the table is exactly what we need for a robust DeFi ecosystem.

About DeFi Wizard

DeFi Wizard is a market leader in providing smart contract-based solutions to blockchain companies in launching their tokens and post token launch services. It offers one-stop, one-click, multi-chain services catering to several essential needs.

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