INSTAGRAM is now hiding the number of likes on posts for all its users…

But what does that mean for your business?

Sidney Pierucci
Defiant Digital
3 min readOct 3, 2019


Essentially likes still effect the platform’s algorithm and they always will. But now… The effects only happen in a more back-end kind of way.

As we all know, instagrammers are no longer embarrassed, pressured or (hopefully) pushed to delete posts based on their Like performance. We are basically all free….

But what does hiding Instagram Likes mean for businesses, brands and Social Media Managers? What does a world without Instagram Likes look like and how do you even #deal anymore without this function?

Here’s a 4 step guide of what your brand of business needs to focus on to keep up with the times…

1. Genuine Interactions are NOW Everything.

Whether you’re genuinely commenting on the posts of other accounts to build a connection or alignment with a brand, visible comments now reign supreme. The new value is now placed on followers and comments.

Warm up those fingers and get in the trenches — it’s time to engage. Nothing more, nothing less!

2. Do you need to put more effort to pop? Yes, you do!

Hoping and praying for your ideal audience member to stumble upon your Like passed to another account… Ye, nah! Thats the way of the past.

Hope marketing (AKA random efforts on socials hoping they’ll work) is a thing of the past. Now that we know hiding Instagram Likes is a reality, it’s never been more important to make use of key engagement tactics.

Replying to Stories, hash-tagging Stories, adding hashtags to posts, encouraging others to share your content and ensuring your Instagram Strategy is totally spot on means a whole lot more now.


3. Influencer Marketing is Changing.

For influencers, or individuals who work with brands to promote services or products on social media, this is a major (or continued) shift away from “vanity metrics” — such as likes or follower counts — and a focus on actual sales.

Some are happy with the new like-less instagram others aren’t; nonetheless a as result of a change like this we should be able to expect a more “healthy” environment.

However, marketing experts say the changes could potentially further incentives brands to put paid media support behind their influencer posts.

The change does not affect measurement tools for businesses and creators on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, and all likes and engagement metrics will still be available in those tools.

Does your brand use Influencer Marketing? Do your clients? How do you measure the success of an Influencer Campaign and what’s the bigger picture? Of course, Likes were never an indicator of product sales, conversions or shared followings. But they kind of gave some type of marker, right?

Without Likes, the Influencer game does change quite drastically. For brands and for Influencers. As well, the same advice goes to both: To build audiences outside of Instagram. To treat Instagram as a part of the marketing ecosystem, and not as the entire marketing sphere.

We see a shift towards long-term partnerships between brands and influencers with a strong focus on e-commerce driven results. This way Influencers will essentially act as ambassadors and sales people, won’t be restricted to single posts and perhaps may even choose brands they work with more carefully.

4. Focus on Instagram Stories.

Take away Likes and does Instagram emphasise authentic content sharing? Rather than the picture-perfect presentation of Instagram grids, we’re seeing many brave account sharing raw content of themselves, their products and their ‘vibe.’

More than ever, Stories (with over 500 million daily active users) will provide a platform for authentic brand and self-expression.

And perhaps lessen the pressures to post perfect content all the time. Because Likes shouldn’t affect your self-worth and beliefs about success. So let your brand shine in its brightest, most authentic light on Stories, in posts, and across Highlights.

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Sidney Pierucci
Defiant Digital

💭Instigator of thoughts and procurer of feels! 📲 Serial #entrepreneur, #investor and ocean lover. Say hi here: