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A Step-by-Step Guide on how to stake Sushi LP tokens in the DefiDollar App

Siddharth Jain
Published in
4 min readFeb 3, 2021


Farm DFD & Sushi using Sushiswap!

We introduced the incentivised Sushiswap Liqudity pools for the month of February:

Two liquidity pools have been incentivized on Sushiswap:
1) DFD/ETH pair
2) DUSD/ETH pair

This guide aims to to provide step by step instructions to add liquidity to the incentivised Sushiswap pools via Zapper, stake the SLP tokens in the DefiDollar app to earn rewards and is divided into two parts:

  1. Providing liquidity into the DFD/ETH Sushiswap Pool
  2. Staking your SLP token in the DefiDollar app

This guide illustrates the steps using the DFD/ETH pair. Similarly these steps can be followed to add liquidity to the DUSD/ETH pair as well.

Step 1: Providing liquidity into the DFD/ETH Sushiswap Pool

Depositing assets into the Sushiswap Pools

1. Connect your wallet on Visit the Pool tab and enter DFD to search for DFD pools, you will locate the DFD/ETH pool son Sushiswap. Click on Add

Click on Add

2. Select the token you want to use to and enter the amount you wish to add to the liquidity pool. We are using ETH to enter into the pool.

After adding the amount click Confirm

This essentially allows you to enter the pool with a single asset and Zapper handles the conversion in the backend. This is a much easier approach for users new to the DeFi Ecosystem.

Please note that if you are entering the pool with any other asset you will have to trigger an approve transaction before going on to the Confirm button.

After adding the amount click to approve DFD

3. Coming back to our illustration using ETH. Click on Confirm

Click on Confirm in your wallet interface to trigger the Transcation

4. Once the transaction gets minted go to the dashboard to check your position. Click on the Sushiswap Tab

You will now be able to see your LP position in Sushi

Congratulations you have now successfully become an LP to the DFD/ETH Sushiswap Pool 🎉🎉

Step 2: Staking your SLP token in the DefiDollar app

1: Go to the DefiDollar LP Rewards page , Click on the SushiSwap DFD/ETH button

Click on the SushiSwap DFD/ETH button

2: You can now see your DFD/ETH SLP balance, Click on Max and then Stake

Click on max to Stake all of your SLP tokens

3: Approve transferring the SLP tokens in your wallet by clicking confirm on the wallet interface

4. Once approved, confirm the staking transaction

Once Approved press confirm to Successfully stake the SLP tokens

NOTE: As a team we are not staking, so as to ensure the community gets 100% of the rewards.

Once the stake transaction goes through you will be able to check your staked amount and rewards earned by clicking on the SushiSwap DFD/ETH tab found in the LP rewards

Congratulations you have now successfully staked SLP to earn SUSHI and DFD rewards 🎉🎉

If you had previously staked in Sushiswap, following this guide
Please Unstake and Restake in the DefiDollar app to earn both DFD and SUSHI rewards.

Happy Farming! 🚜🚜

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