Update#5 on the DFD token transfers for May

Transparency first approach for the DefiDollar Community

Siddharth Jain
2 min readMay 27, 2021


TLDR: Pending transfers for DFD from the token contract

  • 0 for May Retroactive Rewards (Concluded)
  • 166,666 (pre-seed)+ 250,000(Seed) for May investor unlocks
  • 0 moved from the reserve to the Marketing & Ecosystem wallet
  • 638,889 tokens transferred to the team multi-sig

These tokens will be transferred from the token contract address and will be further distributed/claimed as per the schedule that has been shared with the community. This article is meant to serve as a means to ensure transparency and address any queries before the team initiates the transfers. Going forward these transactions will be happening on a monthly basis, and budgeted tokens will be transferred from the token contract address to the operational address.

- Known timeframe for token transfers removing any confusion
- Added security by funding tokens in tranches every month
- Protection for stakeholders in case of a security breach/key loss

A detailed release schedule for DFD token distribution can be found on a public google sheet shared in an earlier blog and below: DFD Token metrics & Release Schedule

Update on the token unlock


Aside from the retroactive mining distribution, a number of pools are active to incentivize users and bootstrap liquidity for the protocol.

Liquidity Mining :
We had the Sushiswap DFD/ETH pool, Curve DUSD pool active for May.
ibBTC incentives were earlier disclosed here.These pools are being funded directly on a periodic basis.


The investor tokens for May — 166,666 (pre-seed)+ 250,000 (seed) will be withdrawn to fund the investor vesting contracts.


Reserve tokens are also being vested since ILMO . These funds are to be used for the growth of DefiDollar via a number of channels. This month no tokens will be moved to the Marketing & Ecosystem wallet. We are exploring various ways to grow the community and will call upon these funds when needed.


The team unlock for 638,889 tokens will now be withdrawn for the month of May and placed in a team multisig.


