Eye of Mordor turns to USA

Petri Mäkelä
2 min readOct 4, 2016

Russia has created a formidable propaganda apparatus that consists of public media corporations, bloggers, shady websites and outright trolls. So far majority of the propaganda has been fitted to masking Russian problems and creating local hotspots and tensions.

A recent shift has occurred and the focus of the propaganda apparatus has turned to the west. Russian news outlets and officials are building narratives that are aimed at the Russian population. They air scary stories of the USA preparing for a nuclear onslaught. [1] Blame USA for waging “a surrogate war” against Russia in Syria. [2] And loudly publish how Russia is pulling away from the, mostly trivial, plutonium deal with USA on the grounds of USA plotting against Russia. [3]

Turning of the Eye isn’t a random occurrence as it happens to coincide with a massive civil defense exercise that affects over 40 million Russians. There are also massive snap drills of the military going on simultaneously. Russia is training and preparing for regional contingencies anymore. It’s preparing for an all-out war against NATO and USA.

It is extremely worrying that some regions remain totally undefended [4] and most westerners don’t even think that Russia mobilizing 100 000 soldiers into attack footing warrant an alarm.[5]

[1] http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/09/29/russia-accuses-us-threatening-support-for-nuclear-attack.html

[2] https://sputniknews.com/politics/20161004/1045981610/us-russia-syria.html?utm_source=https%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2FJSzndb8C2M&utm_medium=short_url&utm_content=cuhX&utm_campaign=URL_shortening

[3] https://www.rt.com/news/361411-russia-suspend-plutonium-deal/

[4] https://medium.com/define-the-new-europe/%C3%A5land-the-blank-spot-in-the-baltic-sea-fbf0c0659cb0#.rjqqh11ay

[5] https://medium.com/define-the-new-europe/maskirovka-russian-masked-mobilization-753216b13418#.54b3qa5xh

