How Does DeFiner Ensure the Security of a User’s Funds?

DeFiner Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2020


DeFiner has the Ethereum Smart Contract written in the Solidity language. These smart contracts are the core components of our non-custodial decentralized savings contracts. To ensure the security and quality of our contracts we are following the following best practices:

Environment Preparation

Here are our fundamental preparation works for our testing and security assurance.We wrote migration scripts for different network environments to ensure the auto and smooth migration. Also, we have professional developers help creating test cases for both unit and integration tests. Meanwhile, we performed gas cost analysis to control the gas limit. Continuous integration was introduced into every iteration during the development cycle to improve on the code quality and tests coverage.

Migration Scripts for Different Networks

DeFiner writes migration scripts for different networks. This would allow us to quickly deploy our contracts over these networks. These networks include:

  • Local Ganache
  • Testnet
  • Mainnet forked Ganache
  • Mainnet

Writing Test Cases



DeFiner Blog

DeFiner is a decentralized finance network for digital savings, loans, and payments.