3 habits To Help You Build Better Discipline

Jeremie Warner
Published in
3 min readDec 26, 2017
Photo by Kyle Johnson on Unsplash

Whether you are an entrepreneur, business owner, parent, student, blue collar worker, etc., to get the very best out of your day, you must have discipline. In my opinion, discipline is not something you are born with but a system of ideas that are instilled and ingrained in you based on your life experiences.

The very idea of discipline is something you can’t spell out without first creating a consistent set of habits. Your habits, all-be-it good or bad, can either enhance the training you need to reach high levels of success or can distract you from your more significant purpose and lead you down a much more arduous road. Here are three habits you can include in your daily routine right now that will lead to much better discipline on your path to success.

Make Your Bed Every Morning

I once heard a famous speech, that went viral on the internet, from a naval captain talking about how everyone should make their bed first thing in the morning. By doing so, it allows you cross off one “to-do” list first thing in the morning and begin to build confidence in your next daily task. By continuing this process over and over, you are developing particular discipline and a routine established on completion, not just hopes for finishing. Start with a victory every morning, and this simple task can do just that for you.

Daily Personal Development

Photo by Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

Setting time aside every day to read, train on your craft, or to even expand your mind and skill set is imperative. Creating a daily habit around this concept is vital to building the discipline your business and brand requires for ultimate success. I set the time aside first thing in the morning to train and then right before going to bed I like to read a chapter or two in a particular book I am reading at the time. Too many professionals overlook the importance of personal development and the discipline it takes every day to continue that habit. Don’t just say you are going to do it. Schedule it and stick to that schedule.

Get Up and Go To Bed Same Time Every Day

This will be exceptionally hard to do based on your day-to-day, whether you have a family if one week or day is more stringent than the other; however, this can be a game changer if you stick to it and create the habit. By going to bed at the same time and then getting up at the same time you are developing muscle memory and adapting your body and mind to a habit that can lead to optimal functionality in all that you do on a daily basis. It also sets a standard for your friends, family, and colleagues on your structure. Once again, scheduling this and setting an alert message is essential so that you stay on task and follow through.

Everyone has a habit. It can be a good one, or it can be a bad one. In my opinion, bad habits are a reflection of a lack of discipline and these three simple shifts can be a big difference maker. To create discipline, you must first have an iron-clad set of habits to build around. These three are an essential start for your business, brand, and life needed to reach the heights of success that you’ve always wanted. Set yourself apart from your competition and be the example in all areas of your life that your customers, your colleagues, and your peers can be proud of and learn from.



Jeremie Warner

Father, husband and Entrepreneur. CEO of Rush Impact Marketing & Media. 21 years in Sales & Marketing. Resides in Charlotte NC with wife & 3 daughters.